Posted by Colin252
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Low Stakes
SB v bb SRP K62r
On the right is the GTO solution
On the left is the adjustment the solver makes after I make BB fold 5% more, so like F v CB 40% (GTO) to F v CB 45% (node lock).
I'm pretty confused by the fact we now bet so much more TP, like almost twice as much.
My guess is that as a bunch of our range now does really well by betting because of the increased fold equity we enjoy (be that bluff for air/draws or protection for weak made hands), we bet TP much more so that our betting range doesn't become unbalanced.
Do people think that interpretation is correct? Happy to be set straight on this.
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Balance NEVER is a goal, it's a side effect. Every combo will be played maxEV. When TP hands are bet so much more, it simply means, the EV is higher. Now, the more we bet for value, the more we can bluff now (as EV of more bluffs are higher now as well).
What is the scenario - potsize on flop, betsize(s) of SB?
SRP 6 bb pot, 65% Cbet size.
The confusing part to me, is that the extra hands which villain now folds in he node locked scenario, were hands with <20% equity but that were calling a bet in GTO land.
Other than this, the villains whole flop range is the same.
It's really counter intuitive to me that when villain folds the hands I'd imagine I'd want him to call with when I'm value betting, I want to bet value at a higher freq.
Bluffs, draws & hands that need protection sure I get that betting those more in this high fold scenario seems obvious, but I'm lost with the value part.
Maybe it's just highest ev v clairevoyant nemesis - it has to be higher ev than CN villain exploiting the hell out of us.
Can't imagine it's good in the real world where my villain who folds too much as part of his ID is suddenly going to start exploiting cbets.
That's easy, Villain is so massively overfolding that any2 have a profitable cbet. For betting less than 100% we need a higher EV for checking. OOP is a pretty stretch, why betting > checking.
Dont forget that after the flop villain becomes clairvoyant again which means even tho you nodelocked his strat on flop you might still get exploited if you bet flop unbalanced.
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