No equity turn barrel bluff
Posted by luba
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High Stakes
No equity turn barrel bluff
100bb deep
Villain seems like a decent reg, not many stats on him though.
Me (BN) opens to 24 w Ac5h.
Villain (BB) calls.
Flop: 9c 7d 3s (53)
I bet 30
He calls
OTF here i think i can go either way. I chose to cb this time.
Turn: 9c 7d 3s Qs (113)
I bet 100
He calls
OTT, things start to get interesting. The reason i cbet - I unblock many hands which might fold OTT (Gutshots, etc.); only block 54s.
Also, Q is a scare card. I chose bigger sizing here, because i think that he is more inclined to fold his weaker draws and not to XR them. So if i would choose smaler sizing, it might not be the case. Also i am quite polarized here, so bigger sizing makes sense.
I certainly do not use this combo as a bluff with 100% frequency, would overbluff this spot. My question is, which other hands would you choose as bluff and the frequency you would bluff them. I think A high hands which unblock his folding range works out the best because i can sometimes win on the river vs missed draw or hit an ace.
Which cards would you potentially bluff otr?
I didn't use make these type of turn barrels in the past, so i am often confused in these spots. Will be glad for any clarification. Thx
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If you value bet A9 JJ or TT OTT for value, your range is somewhat protected. However, T8, 86s, 65s, 64s make better bluff candiates with nut potential and less sdv.
c bet on flop as a bluff is overbluff,since u dont have stat of the villian.A5o is not a good option to cbet on this spot.ur 2 barrel plan looks too explotive to the villian.but u have no clue that if ur plan is profitble.
This play is a lot better if you hold the As on turn so you reduce his turn+river calling freq. I don't mind this play even without the As (though it might be nice to have the 5s if you go thinner). When you bluff this hand on turn, be inclined to very often 3barrel because a smart opponent will weight his river bluffcatchers to hands which unblock your highest equity semibluffs and therefore the highest frequency 0 equity river hands. Most of these hands contain spades/K/J/T/8/6/5. So, if your opponent has a hand like T9, he'll often fold river thinking his T blocks many possible 3barrels. On the other hand, if he has A9 he'll often call since he reasons his A unblocks more possible draws. Since you hold the A5, his range will be more spade/K/T/8/6 heavy, making for a slightly +EV 3barrel.
Yeah, i agree As is much better bluff candidate OTT. Also i can bluff on spade rivers expecting very +EV 3barrel, b/c he doesn't have many flushes OTR.
I like your reasoning for 3barrel this hand on the majority of runouts. It really makes sense! Thank you for reply.
i generally found that given the option the solver will choose a 1.7x sizing 2 or 3 times more often than it chooses a size like .75x pot on the turn in situations that don't significantly redistribute hand strengths (I see you chose .9x or whatever here).
I haven't plugged in this hand, but it seems to fit the mold of a turn situation where the turn card doesn't improve villain enough to 2p or better. So I'm choosing a 1.7x size on the turn w stuff like 77/33/KK. to me this is a satisfying way to play some flush draws (planning to give up river unless I have like K4ss and think I don't actually block his river folding range). med/high freq w oesd. low freq gs (this is after having started to mix otf). planning to bluff my weakest missed straight draws on blank rivers. preferring non-pair spadex hands to bluff on flush runouts.
Anyway. i'm curious if you've found solvers preferring this size on the turn in situations similar to this. what up?
also, I might never x/r this flop against some players. that affects turn strat and weakens the argument for using a solver strat as a guideline.
I didn't know solver prefers bigger seize so often OTT, but it doesn't surprise me.
To answer to your question: I did not find solver preferring this size OTT, but
I think, i should use bigger sizing OTT >> I should apply more pressure on his weaker pairs and draws. And like you said, this runouts are quite good for this strategy.
Also, i like 1.7x more compared to .9x. It immediately puts him in much tougher spot. And population plays quite bad vs overbluffs. So, i should think more in certain spots and incorporate more overbets into my reperoir.
Thank you for reply.
happy to participate. think I should clarify that I use piosolver. I haven't worked much at all with other solvers
i believe when we planned to bluff on the flop and turn, equity is more important then block effects which is key to riverplay .
easy to get out of line and be betting to many ace highs. sauces recommendation of having As seems great or at least having any spade in ur hand. not that having Ac5s is such a huge difference to Ac5h but at least it lets you control your frequencies with ur potential double/triples.
U mean with this that A5o that doesnt block any FD shouldnt be 3barrelin on a Xs river but should be 3barrelin when river doesnt bring the flush and when the flush comes just bluff the Ax that has some spade with it?
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