NLZ200 top pair bluff shove

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NLZ200 top pair bluff shove

BN: $336.05
SB: $392.13
BB: $171
UTG: $200 (Hero)
HJ: $210.37
CO: $194.30
villain is zoom regular, calls btn around 8 % (so prob more like 12 % in multiway)
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A Q
Hero raises to $6, HJ calls $6, CO folds, BN calls $6, SB calls $5, BB calls $4
Flop ($30.00) Q J 2 (5 Players)
SB checks, BB checks, Hero bets $21, HJ folds, BN calls $21, SB folds, BB folds
Turn ($72.00) Q J 2 T (2 Players)
Hero bets $48.44, BN calls $48.44
gets tricky here. don't want to ch call this turn, because will be hard to play a lot of rivers. thoughts ?
River ($168.88) Q J 2 T 6 (2 Players)
here gets even more interesting. i assume almost none regulars will call turn with naked FD, and no pair + fd available besides T9cc, well, and combo draws like KTcc or 89cc (expect to be raised some time this on turn).
of course simplest option is just ch/f. but what about shove ? with it i expect him to fold all two pairs (QJ, JT,QT) and 22. And, from balance perspective , if we want to have some bluffs that's one of the best hands to do it ? (besides AcAx maybe)


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AF3 10 years, 7 months ago

Why would he raise the turn with a combo draw here?  It seems like once you bet this turn, you're either betting a hand which isn't folding, or overplaying some value?  Either way, even raising the turn with a hand like JJ seems iffy, no?

razios 10 years, 7 months ago

And, from balance perspective , if we want to have some bluffs that's one of the best hands to do it ? (besides AcAx maybe)

I agree and you will have stuff like A2s-A5s which cbet (Idk if you open all Axs ) and stuff like ATs or AKs and the this seems a perfect hand to shove since we block. Plus our cbetting range here will be somehwhat tight since is 5way so I just think you got a ton of respect by 3barrelling here and a hand like T9cc should have quite dificculty spot OTR.

Any thoughts about size OTT ?

Matus Kopf 10 years, 7 months ago

Tbet is pretty bad imo, you are isolating yourself against better, vs the few hands you beat at this point(combodraws) you will be playing oop in a huge pot on the river with an overplayed valuehand. gl with that.

Another logic to use is, that he never has AK(he would squeeze pre) and you can have a lot of AK combos, so you could be completly turning this into a bluff on the turn with the plan of shoving quite a few rivers. Although you will have enough FDs in your range for this move, so it seems like an overbluff to do this w AQ, but explowise might be good.

ZDARLIGHT23 10 years, 7 months ago

I think we all agree bluffing river is the way to go.

Interesting street here is turn. Every option sucks really. Opinions?

Jusc 10 years, 7 months ago

yes, that's where i also got lost. looked like we still have to value bet against worse made hands/draws, but when we get called , it already sucks :) on the other hand, only few hands improve OTT. looks too weak to ch/f. what about bet turn and ch/f rvr? he shouldn't be bluffing with KQ, and not many draws which missed since we have Ax

GameTheory 10 years, 7 months ago

The problem with everyone saying that you're overbluffing here is that Jusc started betting 5-way on a QJ2cc flop as UTG opener. You don't really have much Ac[J-]:xy here in your range. As played it seems that Jusc is near the bottom of his range. AcA is worse as a bluff since it blocks an equal number of AQ combos, but it still beats all of them at showdown.

And also given that his AQ combos have the Ac here only 1/4th of the time - even less if we factor in that BN called twice here - this is one of the best hands to turn into a bluff. You must also factor in that BN rarely has AK/QQ or a flush, given that the Qh,Ac,Qc,Jc are all out and that he overcalled an UTG open.

AF3 10 years, 7 months ago
AcA is worse as a bluff since it blocks an equal number of AQ combos, but it still beats all of them at showdown.

This would imply it's dominated to check/fold AcAx and jam AcQx, right?

That means you're suggesting that we check/call AcAx?

(As an aside, I think that we wouldn't bet the turn with AcAx here, so the discussion might be moot.)

GameTheory 10 years, 7 months ago
This would imply it's dominated to check/fold AcAx and jam AcQx, right?

Better to bluff AcQx than to bluff AcAx for sure.

That means you're suggesting that we check/call AcAx?

Or check/fold...

(As an aside, I think that we wouldn't bet the turn with AcAx here, so the discussion might be moot.)

Betting a hand that will be a weak bluffcatcher on most rivers is generally not the best plan. As played Jusc got himself in a costly spot with a good blocker, indicating that he should bluff.

AF3 10 years, 7 months ago

AcAx: " blocks an equal number of AQ combos, but it still beats all of them at showdown."

AcQx:  "Better to bluff AcQx than to bluff AcAx for sure."

AcAx:  "Or check/fold..."

You're suggesting that it's more profitable to check AcAx since it has higher equity, so therefore we win when Villain checks back sometimes?

I guess we have enough check-calling hands that putting AcAx in the checking range makes much more sense?

GameTheory 10 years, 7 months ago
You're suggesting that it's more profitable to check AcAx since it has higher equity, so therefore we win when Villain checks back sometimes?
I guess we have enough check-calling hands that putting AcAx in the checking range makes much more sense?

Both AQ and AA should likely be checked on one or more streets most of the time given that it was a 5-way pot and all that. That said, once you get to the river, bluffing becomes a very good option with both of them. And AcQx is one of the best bluffing hands here. Theoretically, the best hand would be a hand with very good blockers that never wins at showdown. For instance if you had AcKcTc9c - an illegal hand in NLHE - you surely want to bluff. This bluff has to be highly profitable. Since normal calling ranges don't assume that you, illegally, have 4 cards; all the legal hands that have 2 blockers in NLHE also have a flush. Because AcQx is closer to AcKcTc9c than AcAx it is better as a bluff.

Nick Howard 10 years, 7 months ago

betting turn does not solve the problem of rivers being hard to play, and with BTN's range being as strong as it is, x/c turn is > betting imo. 

Also if you did have like 2 combos of flushes that you were protected with in the x/c line, i would think they're EV is highest to balance as CR's on the river, since i would guess BTN is at a pretty big range advantage on club rivers after you x/c turn.  which makes me think your line is just incongruent with value and you're probably just getting happy too often with a nut blocker hand like you have

R G 10 years, 7 months ago

Turn is decision point imo, when you want to turn your hand into a bluff we need to bomb the turn shove river, our opponent is capped and we are not, this asks for a bigger sizing with our nuts and some bluffs. Betting the turn so small, then bluffing river very large is very bad, and starting a bluff on this turn with TPTK planning to turn it into a bluff already is bad as well for obvious reasons. So if we want to bluff this River after having bet this turn, we want to represent weaker flushes, so don't shove, normal sized bet makes more sense as a bluff in my opinion, but he still has KQ in his range for 8 combos that we beat, he has splits with AQ, so basically we are bluffing to make him fold 2pair+ that didn't raise earlier (very few combos id assume, not a good flop to slowplay but possible, turn I don't think he should raise at all really), worse hands (KQ), and splits (AQ), which all kinda suck imo. The only thing that can suck for us is if we check the river and he turns shit into bluffs himself, but that's not as sucky since we block the Ac bluffs that make the most sense. So i'd recomend xCalling the turn next time, and in this spot just x/folding, he was either drawing and got there or he had a bluffcatcher that he won't valuebet but we beat.

MrSneeze 10 years, 7 months ago

5 way on the flop, I'd definitely C-bet way smaller (probably between 12 and 16), and would play cautiously on further streets when called. I find the barrelling spot relatively spewy, even if we can justify it with our blockers.

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