NLHU 5/10 overbetting range on 83376

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NLHU 5/10 overbetting range on 83376

Blinds: $5.00/$10.00 (2 Players) SB: $1093.24
BB: $1080.66 (Hero)
Preflop ($15.00) Hero is BB with 6 5
Hero raises to $25.00, SB calls $15.00
Flop ($50.00) 3 8 3
SB checks, Hero bets $16.33, SB calls $16.33
Turn ($82.66) 3 8 3 7
SB checks, Hero bets $80.00, SB calls $80.00
River ($242.66) 3 8 3 7 6
SB checks, Hero bets $500.00, SB raises to $971.91 and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot SB wins $1241.66
Rake is $1.00

Hi !

I think flop is ok.

Turn : I like the idea of having a pot size bet range here giving that villain has a lot of 8x and very few 3x.
I don't know if I should have a smaller sizing range though ? Maybe a 1/3 pot range would be nice as well with my 8x/7x/55-22 and good A high. And obviously mixing it with some 3x and/or 83/88/73

River : I think I'm making a mistake here. If I check I'll win a small % of the time against FDs and maybe few Ah. So I might want to choose another hand to bluff with even though I have good blockers. J9 would be a first choice. Then some low FDs. Maybe all of my FDs ?

Sizing wise I think I like overbetting more than 3/4 or pot here because I improve to a lot of straights and villain will have very few nuts here.
Would shoving be better ? It feels like it's too much imo.


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jambonbeurre 9 years, 1 month ago

You can create an overbetting balanced strategy for sure, but we play against human and want to exploit them, by making them calling toomuch or foldingtoo much.

Are you sure ppl are calling/folding the perfect amount of bluffcatchers, on a smaller size like 80% ?

My opinion through this spot in general:

Your sizing flop is too small, i bet you're cbetting quite wide like this, and i don't think this is an optimal strategy because our checking range suffer a lot of doing those thing, and we just get less value, we have to bluff less etc...
I think cbetting 45-50% is okay and a reasonnable option, we will not own him by cbet 1/3 pot against his flatting range 2,5x.
It will bet more effective strategy if the guy is flatting 100% . But checking and bluffcatch sometimes this flop with good hands is cool too.

Turn your sizing is too big, i think we allow Ahi and small pps to fold turn vs this size and don't make a big mistake, our risk reward with our bluff/against his float is shitty.
So i would bet smaller here 60-75%

On the river, i bet a lot of decent reg are overblufing here, just because they are just cbetting and barreling quite too much flop and turn, seriously i would not bluffin like this vs a guy who has some ballz and can hero call.

jambonbeurre 9 years, 1 month ago


Against this range, we have 12% equity with 32o, if the guy is folding 66% to our overbet, we need at least him to have less 16,5% hand less stronger than 32o to find a +EV value bet.

If the guy have 16,5% bluffcatcher and 16,5 nuts, we don't print to value 32o, and i think given, it's really close 12%- 16,5%, you can't value 23o until Q3s.
Your strategy, becomes really useless.

And a strategy with bigger size, by value betting only fullhouse, is not a good one, just cause, first there is no good blocker for us to block , given turning 8x 7x into a bluff is bad for our general gameplan, and in theory you miss a lot of value, because A3 will be a fold.

In practice, i dunno if overbet shoving full house, is a fine play, just cause ppl maybe auto clicking call with straight/3x , maybe it's a good exploitative play, need to make more calculation.

MrSneeze 9 years ago

Hey Lilxam ☺️
I would also bet bigger on the flop. On the turn, I agree with jambonbeurre, a more normal sizing seems more adequate on this texture. Just way easier to balance. When u bet 1/3 flop then pot (or overbet, why not right?) the turn, it really seems like a metagame / psychological exploitation. Or youre trying to get into some levelling games for later, or open the option for funky sizings later in the match.

As played, i dislike the overbet river. Idk, somehow its incoherent for you to have a full house, u mostly rep rivered straight. Lets say u had overbet turn, u still could have any 3x, an also overpairs and 87. As played on this river, its hard to picture u value bet JJ this way for instance.
I think u just made your life too complicated on this hand, and that doesnt look like a good board / situation to develop this kind of sizing strat imho.

Samu Patronen 9 years ago

I would not bluff with this hand on the river. The blockers are great, but the fact that you win at showdown sometimes makes the EV of checking pretty hard to overcome by the EV of bluffing. A hand like J9 would certainly be a lot better hand to bluff with here (the EV of checking would be pretty much 0 whereas bluffing should be slightly +EV given blockers that we should have, versus a GTO calling range that is).

lilxam 9 years ago

Yeah I agree with what has been said here.
I think flop 20$+ is fine.
Turn 1/2-3/4 is good. Against a pot size villain can just call good hands and fold the rest so it's not very hard for him.
And river no more than pot.

But as ibey33 said, checking the river has a higher ev than betting with my hand. And I prefer to bluff other combos.

Thanks for your answers !

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