NLHU 2/4 4bet pot Q high board vs reg
Posted by lilxam
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Mid Stakes
NLHU 2/4 4bet pot Q high board vs reg
Blinds: $2.00/$4.00 (2 Players)
SB: Shakira77: $867.20 (Hero)
BB: CRABFISH123: $409.00
BB: CRABFISH123: $409.00
Shakira77 is SB with
, , ,
Final Pot
Shakira77 wins $0.00
CRABFISH123 wins $817.00
Rake is $1.00
Rake is $1.00
Hey guys !
I've seen some high stakes hands where people have a leading range on Qh boards in 4bet pots.
But I'm skeptical about it.
So I'm wondering what's the best way to play my range on this board.
Should I have a check/raising range ? Leading range ?
Or is it better to play all my range with a check/call ? I think this would be my favorite option.
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Leading the flop it's fine, but you should give up the turn when you don't improve as Oppo's range is extremely strong and looks like he is slow playing a lot of sets and AA - KK. In this type of hand you should be leading only with sets on the turn in order to take value from over pairs and straight draws !
I've puke when i see that you 3bet/call this hand
Leading range certainly makes sense, but the easiest way to play this spot is to always check. But leading is something to consider for sure, atleast versus some opponents.
So yeah, well played
Leading range shouldn't add much EV and you probably need to slowplay all AA preflop to have a strong enough range to justify it at a reasonable frequency. Having all AQo and most KQo is probably not enough alone considering how many hands in villains range are ahead of them.
I don't know guys what are you smoking, but i would like to buy it thanks.
Do you even play HU?
call 4bet this hand is totally a terrible play.
I don't think it is
It is actually GTO from the calcs I have seen with similar 4bet size.
I kind of agree, bleep the GTO specs... I want to see cold hard empirical data that you guys can make a probable flat oop.
Should have plenty of better hands in a linear or merged range to defend here so we are not exploited.
If we arent three-betting linear, I almost feel this hand would be a better call vs three-bet
IMO use hands that will retain there equity better, you can have a folding range too ;D
Hands with more
and leading merged vs a strong uncapped range :O
Caller probably has the range advantage in this spot given how the ranges are constructed (polarized 4betting range versus a call 4bet range that has a lot of medium strenght hands that hit this flop). Therefore leading becomes a thing to consider.
Caller has all AQo, QJs, KQs, QJs, QTs and maybe some Q9s. KQo is not always a 100% 3bet, but is a call vs 4bet. 4bettor usually only have a small amount of AQo, KQo, QJo, QTo and Q9o.
Okey, you prob some Qx Jx more than him , but you still have no protection by betting this hand, and prob not value, and i bet you get owned a lot by AK or any float, just beacause he could have JJ+.
I would maybe consider leading JT9 boards T98 987 876 juste cause vilain will check behind a lot those flops that hits a lot your potential call4beting range, because you've a very high equity hands or 2+ like all the time.
Having a lot of Qx Jx GS don't allow you to lead it exept if you love getting punished.
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