NLHE HU, 10/20, 4b potb

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NLHE HU, 10/20, 4b potb

BB: $7551
SB: $2224
Preflop ($30.00) (2 Players)
SB raises to $40, BB raises to $120, SB raises to $400, BB calls $280
Flop ($870.00) 9 6 9 (2 Players)
BB bets $320, SB calls $320
Turn ($1510.00) 9 6 9 T (2 Players)
BB checks, SB bets $1504, and is all in, BB calls $1504
River ($4518.00) 9 6 9 T 6 (2 Players)
Final Pot
BB wins $4447.50
This is a hand sent to me from a friend, what do we think about SB's play here OTT?


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DirtyD 12 years, 2 months ago
Seems fine. Could also consider checking back, since bb probably doesn't have much equity if we're ahead, or betting very small. Obviously we're not trying to get away from the hand.
quadrangemerge 12 years, 2 months ago
Given 78 is unlikely unless the pre flop dynamic has been very agro, I think the turn check is not as good as maybe betting 1/3 to 1/2 pot. Qq and Jj and draws that we don't really expect to get there will check back on the turn but will likely call a small turn bet and call a river shove for what's left. Although I think check back is still fine if the sb is super agro on turns but even in a vacuum it's not terrible.
soggybottoms 12 years, 2 months ago
Meh.. This guy seems like a good candidate to check back against here since his ranges are apparently very wide and he's going to have quite a bit of air here. I'd wouldn't jam and don't like it but could be convinced easily if the hero had alot of history with him and villain was calling 100% of 4 bets and was c/f air and leading/continuing with made hands or something. Even then Id still probably check back I suppose.
Peter Jennings 12 years, 2 months ago
This is not good from either player.BB's 3bet is far too small. SB's 4bet is far too big. When the 4bet is too big the SB is getting a better price on a 5bet jam meaning that if he's flatting the 4bet it should be with a hand that is stronger than the average hand that flats a 4bet. If the BB is flatting to trap, it's a super standard check on this flop in order to induce bluffs. Here, he's leading on a board that doesn't really hit either of them. I can't understand why he would ever take this line with a hand that was strong enough to flat pre unless he had some weird read that taking this line would induce a spaz from villain which seems pretty unlikely.SB should chk back the turn w/ his entire range. BB is either trapping turn or giving ug and SB gets more information from checking back turn and seeing what BB does on the river before deciding to jam with his bluffs. Also, by checking turn with his value hands he gives BB another chance to bluff at the pot. It's just played really poorly on both sides by both players regardless of what they are holding.

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