NLHE 5/10/25 $ Live Game.
Posted by MerArk
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High Stakes
NLHE 5/10/25 $ Live Game.
This hand is from last night from cyprus merit casino. Game is 5/10 and mandatory straddle of 25 $. 3 Regular 3 fishes and 2 tight passive players at the table.
There is 1 caller and 1 complete from SB . We are at the straddle position with AQs. Raised to 150 $.
Raise amount can be seem a little much but SB never folds to a raise so i decided that amount would be ok. Only SB calls. SB is 4k deep and we cover him.
SB is 45-50 yeard old italian fish who plays like %80 of his hands. In 30 mins of period we had a dynamic of he bluffs me out with big bets post flop and show cards. And twice i go 3bet him post flop with once as a bluff and once as a semi bluff and card shown up. So we hade quite a bit agression with eachother lately.
Hero : AQs ( straddle position )
Flop : ( pot 335 )
SB Check
Hero bet 250
SB Raise to 600
Hero call 600
Turn : 5c ( pot 1535 )
SB bet 400 ?
Hero call 400
River : 5s ( pot 2335)
SB bet 1350
Hero : ???
So we basically have a bluff catcher. I tanked like 2-3 minutes to figure out what type of hand he is going for this river bet. Couldnt figure out if any chance he is doing this with any worse flush hands, only a little maaaybe given how awkard show down hands he had so far. Turn bet is the biggest info we have that he doesnt have a monster hand from the lines he took whole game. So i am ;%80 sure we are not no-bet by the turn.
I have a few more hands that i want to discuss with you guys, going to post one by one not to spam. Since i am down like 20k at 3 days of these christmas games :) I feel like kinda Tilted ehm :| . So any other tilt-breaking advices are so welcome aswell :p
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About the turn play, in my experience against this kind of fish, is never a bluf, he may have 5x type of hand or betting 77+ for value.
1) his sizing isn't indicative of a very strong hand
2) we potentially fold out his 6x, 33, and 44 type hands. even if we don't, we still have decent equity heading into the river.
3) he can call with hands we are doing very well against like worse flush draws, 78, etc.
4) on unimproved river we should generally check back, only occasionally turning our hand into a bluff on cards like a 7 or 8.
5) on improved river we get more value. Although because of 4) i don't think his range at this point is terribly strong, we still get him to stack off with smaller flushes or sometimes a straight when we make our flush. On an A or Q river I would make a very, very small bet hoping to induce a spaz or a really light call.
As played, could raising the river be more +ev than calling? I'm never folding here for sure given his flop raise sizing + turn bet sizing.
The way it played out, on the turn I think the opposite of Wahoozle actually, The small bet seems to me (from experience it is sometimes a bad play that I too make) that he wants you to pounce on it and reraise. He has put you on AT, AJ, AQ, AK, no pair and praying you don't have TT, JJ. I think this read is cemented by his river bet that he wants you to call with A high or flush.
From the fishes point of view it went like this:
1) I'll play a small / medium pair tricky preflop. Or, I'll play my small suited connector for $150, maybe I can get lucky and win a big pot with this guy who thinks I'm a bluffing idiot.
2) Flop: Sweet. I'll check raise and take it down here.
3) Oh, he called my check raise, what now... ok bet small on turn he (you) might shove thinking I am weak or that I will fold - which I won't. NB: This 400 is basically never a blocker bet from a fish.
4) Damn, no turn action. Ok, time to bet big, My 33+ is good here. What's the most I can bet.
So he bets too little on turn and greedily bets too much on river - total wild / fish play.
I think his hands here are 23, 35, 45, 46, 56, 57, 33, 44, 66, 77, 88, and a very very occasional 78 and 89. And I'm leaning mostly to him having 35, 45, 77.
He's a fish, but not a total fool, so he knows that river card completed everything and that he is folding out close to nothing. He wants a call and thinks his small full house is good. And he's definitely calling a shove too.
As played I think Mentalmuscle explained his range pretty well. On the turn he either has a boat that wants flush to hit or he 5x or a pair he isn't folding. By the river we are too shallow to do anything but fold IMO. If he were slightly deeper I think a shove on the river would work well.
Am I right in thinking the rake in these games is 3% uncapped? Surely the game would have to be insanely good to overcome an uncapped rake.
Also which Merit is this? Nicosia or Kyrenia? Biggest game I could find when I was last in Cyprus was 5/5 and that was in the Nicosia Golden Tulip.
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