NL5z | Stubborn riv call with 2 pair?
Posted by Fazz
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Low Stakes
NL5z | Stubborn riv call with 2 pair?
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.11
SB: $6.16
BB: $5.44
UTG: $5.09
MP: $8.23
CO: $7.00 (Hero)
SB: $6.16
BB: $5.44
UTG: $5.09
MP: $8.23
CO: $7.00 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Final Pot
wins and shows a flush, Ace high.
BN wins $4.38
Rake is $0.19
BN wins $4.38
Rake is $0.19
with all the draws that miss is this just a standard call down? or can I make a snug fold here since it is NL5 and quite a few villains will just check and give up with a missed FD? Also opinions on block betting riv to get value from some Ax and folding to a raise? Feedback appreciated :)
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Think you played it pretty well, but I would like a river fold vs such sizing. Folding river is probably exploitable, but eventhough you have 2pair I dont think you beat villains value range, and I dont expect him to be bluffing enough with the pot size bet. From my experience, very big bets at these stakes are very value heavy, I would expect A5s+ a lot here, so folding seems like the play
any information on villian? playing vs somewhat computer player it is standard call. Explo I'd fold not many things can be bluffed here
Bet bigger on flop. You give them too good odds to draw and thei'll easily call you with any ace and any draw anyway
If you should fold here or not is really dependent on the type of player. Some like to bet big to bluff , but smaller to get a callwhen you check, and some only bet this big with value. Both are really exploitative if you pay attention
Yes, the call is probably significantly -EV. Reason being that the vast majority of micro/small, even mid-stakes players will have a hard time finding enough bluffs on this runout for that sizing.
Blockbet might be good on the river.
These river calls is maybe the biggest leak you can literally have in these games. At times I have used an approach of never having a river XC after betting a polar range OTT. It means you need a lower turn barrel OOP but it doesn't really decrease EV of range. There are a handful of rivers it can make sense to check a lot and have a XC range.
I thought about including this in my comment, but then I didn't, for some reason. It's a really good point and I think this hand is a really good illustration of a leak that ruins so many players winrates.
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