[NL5Z] Facing our cbet raised with 2pair on the turn
Posted by OMGxSkillzZ
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Low Stakes
[NL5Z] Facing our cbet raised with 2pair on the turn
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $7.21
SB: $3.39
BB: $5.84 (Hero)
UTG: $5.00
MP: $5.00
CO: $14.05
SB: $3.39
BB: $5.84 (Hero)
UTG: $5.00
MP: $5.00
CO: $14.05
Hero is BB with
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Is the size correct? Maybe half pot could have been better?
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What is he really representing here?
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Final Pot
UTG wins $4.88
Rake is $0.28
Rake is $0.28
UTG is 24/14 over 114 hands. Really unsure OTT: I spent my entire timebank thinking that if we call the turn, then most probably he will shove the river. So basically we have to call both the turn and the river.
In my mind there are very few combos that beat us: AJs, KJs which we double blocker, QJs, (JTs maybe?). But I can't find a reason why he raised my turn cbet.
Really really unsure about this hand.
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I think we could check OOP on this flop. In your BB 3-bet range vs UTG you're not going to connect well with this board.
As played I doubt we can fold river here. Having K blockers might be relevant for KJs. Not blocking AQ. And we might be good here 25% off the time for sure.
But I would look at earlier streets in this hand before I would worry about the river decision.
I would 3b bigger OOP to 13x over 3x.
I like the flop sizing if you are going to bet, it makes it difficult for TT, 99, 88, AK on the scary flop, and imo betting for value should be the default at these stakes as you get lighter calls and less light raises. However you can easily be behind.
On the turn he is representing plenty of value, we can reasonably give him AJs KJs QJs JTs QQ JJ (all depending on villain's tendencies, some fish will have lots of offsuit JX as well). These hands can all make sense to slowplay on the flop. What is he going to bluff the turn with, T9s? Is he going to raise AQ or KQ? I suspect these hands just call, and against unknown I am tempted to sigh-fold turn. We have QQ, AA, some Jacks like AJs to continue with. I think AA is a better continue than KK as it blocks AJ, unblocks KT and KK.
If you call turn I think you have to call most rivers for that price.
Sorry I'm new here, I have trouble with sharing my hands with others. Would you like to tell me how do you share hands like this?
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