[nl5z] bluff shove river 4 bet pot oop
Posted by kerity
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Low Stakes
[nl5z] bluff shove river 4 bet pot oop
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.09
SB: $4.95
BB: $5.06
UTG: $3.47
MP: $8.14 (Hero)
CO: $9.53
SB: $4.95
BB: $5.06
UTG: $3.47
MP: $8.14 (Hero)
CO: $9.53
Hero is MP with
, , , , , ,
Final Pot
wins and shows two pair, Kings and Tens.
MP lost and shows a pair of Sixes.
BN wins $9.82
Rake is $0.43
MP lost and shows a pair of Sixes.
BN wins $9.82
Rake is $0.43
I like my moove but i want to be sure. I think i ran against the top of his range with TT but that i make fold hands like JJ,QQ,88,99, flush draw ?
I didn't expected him to have a lot of Kx or 6x after he calls the 4Bet.
I can reprensent KK+, AK as i would have also checked turn with this low SPR.
What do you think ?
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I don't understand your play here. A3 suited preflop is a fold to a 3bet, maybe a call at absolute most but certainly not a raise. On the flop I'd be looking to check as well as we have no draws. Your opponents range is also full of kings which will pair the board (AK, KQ, KJ, KK, even some lower suited kings if they're loose).
Why are you trying to play this hand so aggressively?
Fold pre is mandatory, 4betting slightly better than call which is pretty massively losing one (with rake and his sizing).
As played if you 4betting % is correct and don't have too many whiffs like this you can bet close to 25-33% flop; same turn sometimes and if you bet turn always pull trigger on the river with this holding as it unblocking most of his folding range and blocks AA/AK
I don't think this is good at all.
1) We raise suited aces semi-bluff like this because of the chance to hit NFDs and that they reduce the likelihood that our opponent has AA, AK by 25% increasing our preflop fold equity. They don't eliminate the possibility of having a hand like AA, AK here. All of the things we hoped for here (either a preflop fold or hitting the rare flop with a lot of equity) have failed.
2) If you make a Venn diagram of players that are willing to call a 4-bet with a medium PP and the players that are willing to flat big aces and kings, especially if they are suited, you will have a circle.
3) We don't block a king here at all. We have no reason to suddenly start playing like Villain can't have one.
Your preflop semi-bluff failed, there was no reason to bet the flop hoping that a) we are up against the bottom of Villain's range and b) he is the kind of player who will give up his nice PP once an overcard hits. Which brings us to...
4) If Villain's call leaves him with less than a PSB behind, considering your fold equity shot without a read isn't the worst idea.
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