NL50z - Bet sizing question
Posted by antihero
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Low Stakes
NL50z - Bet sizing question
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $61.89
SB: $86.36
BB: $90.85
UTG: $88.48 (Hero)
MP: $55.63
CO: $74.43
SB: $86.36
BB: $90.85
UTG: $88.48 (Hero)
MP: $55.63
CO: $74.43
Hero is UTG with
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Villain is 18/12 nit with 4% 3b. His 3b here is basically always AA/KK.
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Possibly stupid question:
How much should I bet on river to still get called by his obvious overpair? Feel like I could have extracted more value here.
Anyone raising turn?
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I think i would raise the turn to ~21$.
Especially on deepstacks. Its unlikely that he's gonna fold AA/KK vs. not that big raise on turn and if he's gonna call you, you are on the river with very nice SPR where you can vbet your top set with reasonable sizing.
I'm not sure about that. Don't you think it looks like a pls-call-me raise?
Maybe a bit, but still - as Saulo said - ppl dont like to folding AA/KK here.
To compromise it we can raise with lower sizing to 15-16$. Then we gonna look more like KQ/AQ in villains eyes.
Anyway i think that we are loosing too much value playing this particular lane especially on deeps when we put villain on strong range.
I like both your line and your sizing otr - I feel like by betting ~PSB+, you're turning your hand face up and you're practically never called, esp given the fact that you can have every set combo, as well as QJs.
So, yeah, well played imo!
I am also raising the turn. People don't like folding AA or KK so when you know they have it, you can go for max value since it will be difficult for them to fold
This. I wouldn't go that big as his bet size is pretty awkward already, smthing like 2.5xish looks good.
Noone raising the flop? We want to look as weak as possible, and a flopraise would look the weakest. While some players, nits included, might fold an overpair to a turnraise (often correctly), noone would ever fold the flop. Therefore I'd make a rather big raise on the flop and fire 2 somewhat small barrels, maybe slightly less than 2/3 pot.
The usual reason for calling the flop would be to let him catch up and/or keep bluffing, but if you give him nothing but KK/AA, neither is the case.
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