NL50[sh], anon - ATo, vs T rai.
Posted by BioRio0101
Posted by BioRio0101 posted in Low Stakes
NL50[sh], anon - ATo, vs T rai.
Anon table villain seems reg at the time of play.
I opt in for xc oop, as reg villain will rarely have worse Ax in this position and I am not loosing value vs fd, since majority of the field will stab with draws vs missed cbet. Vs 2nd pair type of hand I am getting 2street max anyway and I am way ahead of those hands. I also let him spew with random air.
As played on tur he reps 55. Would he slowplay a flopped set, I don't know ... but in my experience you don't see that a lot on such board texture. He shouldn't have 76s, A5s or 45s in his range, but I don't know that either it's an anon table and these things are hard to asses.
Another reason I fancy folding is that I have quite some better hands to bluffcatch in this spot.
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