NL500 A8 NFD+GS facing turn AI 6max

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NL500 A8 NFD+GS facing turn AI 6max

My image is pretty tight in a NL500 live game that has become short, people have begun to attack me I have about 230 I have Ac8s in the SB, a LAG Chinese reg who had 2 pair when he CR 4 people limps UTG with 600, loose but tight CO limps, I raise A8o to 20, BB folds, LAG calls, CO reg calls.
Pot: 65 Flop: Jc3c5c, I elect to check, LAG bets 50 with 2 greens pretty quick, reg CO folds, I c/c
Turn: Jc3c5c2s (165) I check again, LAG guy shoves AI puts out 3 stacks. I'm not sure if he has a lot of combos of Kcx, Qcx, club combos that shove the turn. I had recently tank called him down with top pair on the turn after he 2 barrelled, he min check raised me with air on 998cc board, I called and he barrelled small on the turn and I folded. he's just been attacking me in almost every pot we are in but does he have a flush here when he shoves? I kind of think he doesn't have J5, J3
my range kind of looks like a draw or Jx hand, 33, 55, flushes but maybe he could shove a wide range on the turn?


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keepswimmin 7 years, 11 months ago

How does your range include 33's and 55's when you check both flop and turn? That's a very passive way to play sets on a very wet board. If he is a thinking player I doubt he'd include those in your range.

The likelihood of him having flush draw combos decreases, because you hold the A of clubs, but he could hold any Kx, Qx type hands with a club, because he is a LAG player. Any straight draw, and even 35, J5, etc.

It sounds like they were attacking based on the fact that you weren't playing your A game bud. Your best bet would've been to leave. If the game is no longer good for don't give the vils anymore $.

unknown20 7 years, 11 months ago

yeah it wasn't good anymore, I always stay and play short, but should have left. I could have checked the SB here.
I was just wondering if based on dynamic and the fact that villain lost his buyin and rebought for 600 might mean that he was shoving trash here

DatpKay 7 years, 11 months ago
  1. Structure your threads better. This is a pain in the ass to read.
  2. You should play/max stacked when you think you have an edge.
  3. Why in the world do you raise A8o in the SB given the action?

A8s is a clear call and CAN be a raise MAYBE when CO and BU limp.
A8o is merely a call and a pretty unhappy one also.

You have the A of clubs, right???

You have 210 left on the flop, after he bets 50 into 65 the Pot is 110.

Pretty easy c/r all in on the flop in my opinion.

But your HUGE main mistake is raising preflop from the worst position with a bad offsuited Ace here because the likelyhood of both folding in a typical 500 live game is close to 0% in my experience.
You should be linearly strong here, talking (77)88+ ATs+, (JTs)KQs+ and make it 25-35 here here in general.

unknown20 7 years, 11 months ago

I don't think I will get people to fold that often unless I barrel at least flop+turn and with a hand like 77 there are a lot of overcards out of position

DatpKay 7 years, 11 months ago

1. why should anyone limp AKo regularly?
2. a limp/reraise with AKo is not a "bluff" in that scenario
3. you can't not do things because of complete outliar scenarios: it is way more likely that peope limped a lot of bad hands or fold

Your Job is to push your equity advantage and you do that by selecting a linear range and making the pot bigger with it.

unknown20 7 years, 11 months ago

how am I getting to showdown with those hands oop against this Chinese LAG player with 600? if it were the shorstack player only then it might be ok to raise those hands since he might fold post
I'm usually only raising 77-99 in this position if there is a really bad player in the hand that I can get a lot of value from. against a fish I might also be able to get it AI on the flop while ahead
people say that the dynamic of limped pots is different but if I get 3 bet with 77-88 and have to fold pre that seems pretty bad

unknown20 7 years, 11 months ago

it's really difficult to call because I haven't seen villain make any moves like this AI. is anyone calling here because of dynamic especially if villain has tighter ranges preflop?

unknown20 7 years, 11 months ago

I know it's standard to fold against a shove on this board. if villain has A5s for instance I may have around 45% equity which is +EV according to the dead money perspective but villain could have other hands here, he was opening some hands to 30. I've invested 70. is it possible villain doesn't put anyone on a flush?

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