NL50 vs cr 2x

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NL50 vs cr 2x

55 hands : 41/24, fold 3b 0/2, agg 30

Ok, probably bigger OTF.
In general how do you play here?

Thanks :)


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Knoxox 9 years, 9 months ago

I would bet a little bigger OTF. Rest is fine if you fold to the raise. It is a minraise but it's not a line that is taken with worse or as a bluff by a fishy player.

Kuduku 9 years, 9 months ago

Looks good to me until river.
I'd always be checking back river. As played fold.

sauloCosta10 9 years, 9 months ago

Villain is not always leading his strong hands because when you check behind the turn you either has a hand that has showdown value, like KK, QQ, JJ and a weak Ax, or you have complete air that is folding to any river bet. You might as well fold JJ+ to a river bet, so villain coud check his strong hands planning to raise if you bet. This way he can get value from your bluffs and from your thin value bets, like you did with KK here. So you cant assume that villain is always leading here with the top of his range

Kuduku 9 years, 9 months ago

Consider betting larger on the flop given stacks and terribad villain. Bet larger than usual on other turn/river run-outs as well imo.
Not a good spot for a thin river bet.

Kuduku 9 years, 9 months ago

Missing value from what exactly?

Limp Limpson 9 years, 9 months ago

88-QQ+villain is not a reg and might hero with T9/even potentially 7x.

Villain has to be somewhat sophisticated to expect Hero to vbet thinly, which I dont think this guys is gonna do too often. Obv some guys just like to slowplay, so he obv has better hands sometimes, I just wouldnt expect him to have us beat too often.

That said, I have to concede that the river bet is very thin.

taaazz 9 years, 9 months ago

the R bet is very marginal either way, but given that Villain is fishy, I think we should go for it - I wouldn't make it more than 1/4-1/3 psb, though, so I'd say WP (if you folded :p).

Vs a reg, I'd defenitely XB the R.

Kuduku 9 years, 9 months ago

88-QQ+villain is not a reg and might hero with T9/even potentially 7x

If that's the case he also has a ton of Ax combos in his range which are never folding, and which we all lose to. While he might be able to fold 7x, and the other combos you mentioned he might never fold Ax which would severely hurt our EV.
Not convinced a valuebet otr is good at all. Ok maybe a very small one like 1/4 pot to force him to call with some of his weak hands. But I wouldn't over-do it.

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