NL50 the best bluffcatcher in a spot where nobody bluffs, explo fold?
Posted by Limp Limpson
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Limp Limpson
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Low Stakes
NL50 the best bluffcatcher in a spot where nobody bluffs, explo fold?
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $139.50
SB: $51.10
BB: $50.87 (Hero)
UTG: $137.92
MP: $65.11
CO: $50.00
SB: $51.10
BB: $50.87 (Hero)
UTG: $137.92
MP: $65.11
CO: $50.00
20/16 over 160 hands. Seems to be reggy, didnt notice nothing too interesting though
Hero is BB with
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I'd be calling $33.87
Pretty simple stuff.
Would you...
1)call with this hand only?
2)fold this and call with 22, cuz then he could be jamming AXhh??
3)call with both this hand and 22?
4)fold 100%
thanks guys:)
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i would xb river. His range is the very rare nuts which he slowplays, Ax which never folds, Qx which beats you now, and underpairs that don't call. There's no value in a bet. as played snap fold
We have a nut flush
nop we, u iz nut flush , lel
ahhh, I missed the nut flush....
his river x'ring range is boats and MAYBE KJhh that somehow doesn't put more money in on the turn, maybe.
easy bet/fold, he just doesn't have hands you beat that make any sense.
him bluffing with pretty much any two makes sense though,
thats the crust of the problem, I just never have a strong hand
bet and fold, he can still have lot of KQ , and QT i expect to raise OTT but he might not
btw he no look like flush, he only rep KJhh but that will imo raise OTT 100%
and also i dont see any bluffs he could possibly have OTR... like JT ? KT? wats his R 2bet ?
btw how iz dis best bcer, wat u block? nutz iz 22/QT , u no block any, some 23 or A2 or AT is much beter bcer
his shoving range iz never flushes or straightz or twips
juanda twips
but 22/QT
Interesting spot. This runout is really bad for us since we rarely have TT/QT, but our villain can play these hands this way close to 100% of the time. Villain can also have AQ/AA/QQ from time to time and we can't have those ever.
I honestly don't know how to play this. I would love to hear thoughts from good players (what hands to call here, what is the worst hand that we should valuebet given the fact that villain can raise and we're super capped etc...).
good player alrdy comented (u sempai :D )
I ain't good enough :D
Check back turn, fold as played.Only worse i see him jamming is KhJh and maybe some KJo combos but id expect him to cb those more often.Cant fold deuces if villain is at all capable of bluff shoving and he`ll have more K,A high flushes then.
def agree that the turn is a xb.
I wasnt sure if the A high flushes in his range outweigh the fact that our having Ax reduces number of his valuecombos.
Assuming 100% QT, 100% AA, 50% AQ valuerange our Ax drops his range from 12 to 9.
Still feels close, given how weak/capped/ our range is and how great of a bluffspot for a villain this is
I think AQ would have bet the flop, 22 or TT ‘d have c/r OTT. So I mainly put villain on QT (6 combos) and other hands we beat : KQ/QJ (16 combos), KhJh (1 combo), KJ (15 combos without heart). OTR, you need 39% equity so I think I’d snap call with both 22 and Axhh.
You would think this guy has no bluffs here. I think he either has the nuts or unless you think he is capable of making a mistake by shoving 2nd best to you. 22 seems like the possible candidate for his shove as he doesn't raise OTT due to the possibility of you making the straight. If it was a bluff, that would be very creative! I guess I'm folding.
20/16 will have 0 bluffs here, QT almost always
pretty much this
I rather have KThh to call the jam than this hand, since he could be jamming some Ahx,
pretty sure it's a fold, could be a call vs some villain since we are capped at 22/QT at most and are always b/f KJ
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