NL50 T9s
Posted by screamdustry
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Low Stakes
NL50 T9s
SB: $65.67
BB: $80.33
UTG: $14.56
MP: $71.43
CO: $50.00 (Hero)
Rake is $2.90
BN - 29/22 afq:37, 3b: 9, wwsf 49, wtsd 26
BB - 35/24 afq:35, sqz:22%
They are both unknown regulars for me with ~200h sample.
Flop: i would only cbet with BDFD. Since i have really a lot of good on turn (BDFD and BDSTR8) and flop is really dry i think its good idea to cbet even into 2 players.
Turn: Just using my equity, i want to throw out some naked floats (like AX with redraws or something) and some pockets.
River: 0 SD eq, so im firing again in scary card, he should fold some Jx now and i dont think he's going have many Ax mb besides AJ.
The problem is - i will have only JJ/22/33/AA/AJo from my valuehands, is it enough in his eyes to be sure that he's not going to something random vs. my 3barrel? +its really obvious spot for 3barreling for hero.
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Nice hand, wp. You dont block his folding range (busted fd) and the A is inevitably a scarecard, you prolly just happend to run into a set or AJ.
this! nice hand, man!
i dont like the flop cbet vs 2 reg with t9s. and also think if hero cbet the flop and it's better check the turn to see a free card.
ya, im find with the way you played the hand, seems pretty standard to me. The flop bet is debatable, i'd like to see a diamond before you do this but it isn't that bad since you have relative position
WP. I might bet a bit bigger on the turn + river, to maximize fold equity.
WP, including the sizing.
its still a bit too weak of a bluff on the flop for me 3 way here.
wp once you cbet, but the flop cbet is not mandatory (not bad though!)
it would be probably outright bad without the bdfd, thats how close it is imo
do you guys cbet and bluff only with equity ? i mean flop/turn ,obv we can bet river when we miss too . Also why bluffs with no equity is bad?
You need equity+foldequity to make profitable bet, the idea is that without our backdoor equity we dont have enough foldequity to justify our bet in this particular spot.
Because you have 0% chance of winning at showdown ever, you just hope that your triple barrell succeeds often enoguh, while bd draws still will make the perceived nuts roughly 1/5 to 1/6 of the time, times in which we then can valuebet and like to get called.
hm a bit confused but i understand the idea , confused because in my exp when i play "equity style" no air bluffs and stuff , my redline go to WC . but i'm not sure..
I don't use global strategy.. If i know villain cbet XXX board 100% of the time i can call with anytwo and then take it on turn. You know what i mean? but not every time ofc...only where and when i'm sure about it .
While I can potentially get on board with reasons for betting flop and turn I think that river is incredibly marginal at best and borderline spew.
I'd just x/f the flop and move on to the next hand. Our backdoor draw is just not strong enough in this spot, and also carries some reverse implied odds implications with it.
I think you'd do yourself a favor if you wouldn't cbet this flop too much in that position multiway. BU's range is not folding often enough, and your own barreling range quickly becomes very bluff heavy. You're also forced to frequently give up large pots on turn all the times when you don't improve to some backdoor miracle which allows you to follow through with your bluffs, and are forced to x/f.
If it helps, remind yourself that you can have a ridiculously tight cbet range in this spot without losing a lot of money by x/folding because it is a multiway pot. Button can't just bluff at it if you check the way he would if it were a heads-up pot because he still has to worry about BB. The range of hands with which button can profitably bluff is much narrower due to that fact.
You will often get a free turn where you might improve and you may still fire off two streets with bluffs or x/r x/c or do other creative stuff against a wider range.
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