NL50 straight, turn and river decision
Posted by All-inDrawingDead
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Low Stakes
NL50 straight, turn and river decision
No info : 41hands 72/4
Bigger size on the turn? Fold turn?
Thanks :)
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yes fold turn
1)we have all nutted combos in our range
2) most likely passive player minraises ott IP, thats the kind of spot where we start looking at the second nuts with skepticism, even when our range is capped, let alone when it isnt
3)we have some hands with equity vs nut flush to continue with (sets)+flushes ourselves
basically explotatively we should be folding up to like Q high flush imo. If we wanna defend enough from theory standpoint (for some reason), we still have plenty of better hands to continue with.
it sucks but i agree with folding OTT.
Yep, gross, but I'm folding ott - this is a flush almost exclusively, and we have no redraws / no blockers.
Not to mention that a XC -> XMR line is almost always the nuts at uNL/ssNL.
Ohh, thats why when I bluff minraise turn ppl say in chat 'Fish'.
Just make sure you fold vs right guys.
Yeah, from the hands you've posted, I'd disable the 'fold' button in my software if we played together :D
Vs this fish I like to fold the turn.
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