NL50 SH feeling raped by aggro reg

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NL50 SH feeling raped by aggro reg

None: Jon Doe: 0

This hand and overall spot bugs me, so I would appreciate very much some thorough feedback.

Villain Reg
I wanted to make a stand since he has 13 3B vs BU, 18 vs MY BU (49h)
He's 24/19 in 2k hands
Postflop in 3Bpot : 80% cB flop, 50% cb turn (8h), 100% cB riv (3h)

Given his stats vs me, I want to make a stand and I feel my hand is too strong to 4b bluff, to weak to 4b/call.

FloP: I think I am ahead of his range most of the time, and I can't rep anything w/ a raise so I'm floating.

Turn: blank - he barrels again, here I still think I am ahead a decent amount - he can bet to fold out underpairs to J and floats.

Riv: Although a good bluffcard for him, I feel I can't call w/ just A high! He can also be bluffing w/ better hands (eg low PP), could have hit a K etc.

I feel so lost in this hand, I feel so raped to call F, T w/ a hand I thought best, only to fold riv.

Where did I go wrong? Am I wrong in floating turn also (in spite of his stats and my reasons?)

And most importantly, how do you play vs this type of player who 3Bets a lot, and is aggro postflop also? What's your overall gameplan?

Feedback much appreciated

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