NL50 JJ in 3bet pot

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NL50 JJ in 3bet pot

Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (5 Players) BB: $70.30 (Hero)
UTG: $94.59
CO: $50.00
BN: $64.97
SB: $51.61
Preflop ($0.75) Hero is BB with J J
UTG folds, CO raises to $1.25, 2 folds, Hero raises to $4.00, CO calls $2.75
Flop ($8.25) 4 6 9
Hero bets $4.75, CO calls $4.75
Turn ($17.75) 4 6 9 K
Hero bets $10.00, CO calls $10.00
River ($37.75) 4 6 9 K 2
Hero checks, CO bets $31.25 and is all in, Hero calls $31.25

Villain opens 21% from CO. Folds 33% to 3bet in CO when facing IP 3bet (6 samples), overall fold to 3bet 54%. Folds 60% to flop cbet in bet pot. WTSD 23%. Bets river 43%. Is generally easily bluffable on river.
On river I beat 78s, some low pairs turned into bluff and missed FDs. I guess I can be worried about occasional slowplayed set, AK with backdoor flush and KsQs, KsJs.



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zorgar 9 years, 5 months ago

I feel like you should have enough other combos to call his shove here. Calling with jj shouldnt be necessary. You probably have a bunch of kx after cbetting flop and probably would barrel of with some of your draws on river which makes your checking range look like you will be calling him off a bunch since all draws missed. Do you totally discount 99 and 66 here?

olmaters 9 years, 5 months ago

First off, I'm not very good at reading into hud stats since I play all my hands at Bovada. It seems to me that I might discount his bluffing range here since I think the turn K is a great CR bluffing card. Also, I wonder if this guy would even make this river bet with a King. Seems like a lot of guys might CC river with that kind of hand.

What about betting a little less, maybe 1/3 or 1/4 pot on the turn to keep more of his weak hands/draws in his range if we are going to call this river? Forgive me in advance if this is a lame idea, I'm transitioning from limit so my instincts are to bet and call way too often.

z1pz0r 9 years, 5 months ago

I think that the problem with this is that our hand is a bit too obvious and his draws or just overcards are just going to raise versus this sizing. We would probably bet bigger with AK, hoping to get all of his stack if he has any midpair.

JustBluff 9 years, 5 months ago

I would cc turn and cc river with this runout. K doesn´t really hit his range very hard, as mentioned earlier its only like AKo with spade (3 combos), KsQs, KdQd, KsJs, KdJd and maybe KsTs so I guess barreling is fine as well but I think I would prefer to give him a chance to spazz some random floats and flush draws.

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