NL50 Full Ring- Deep stack strategy (200-1000bb+)
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Low Stakes
NL50 Full Ring- Deep stack strategy (200-1000bb+)
Hey guys
Looking for some discussion and strategies around deep stack play when the action is crazy. By crazy I mean:
*5-6 players to the flop most flops
*average VPIP of 5-6 players are in the 50-70% range, whilst remaining players are 40-50%
*Limping and overlimpers from all positions (95% of the time multiple limpers)
*About 60% of time there's raises going from 5BB to 10BB (with the occasional 15-20BB)- and if it's 10BB raise or under, flop goes 4-6 players multi-way
*3 good LAG/super LAG players, rest are recreational loose passive types
I'm in a home game situation (played online) where the blinds are 25c/50c- initial buy in is $50. The rule is that any reloads/top ups can be up to 50% of highest stack size on table. As the night gets on it ends up being half the table sitting on $150-$400 stacks (300-800BB), one player in the $500-700 range, and the rest at $150-$200.
Not use to deep stack play, how to adjust pre flop and post flop play here?
Preflop- Iso-raising the limpers usually doesn't work unless I raise to $20 pre (40BBs lol), a $10 raise will probably net you 2-3 callers. Raises of 4-6BB pretty much get the whole table in (because everyone thinks there's value once 2-3 people call). Do I just limp/re-raise the big premiums (QQ/KK/AA/AKs) and just limp/call pocket pairs/suited connectors hoping to hit the nuts? If I do this, it's super exploitable as people will flat my 3bet and raise me post flop- I'm not comfortable GII 200bb+ with just top pair or over pair.
I've seen a 150bb preflop raise get flatted by K7s lol. Obviously he hit the flush draw and x/r AI for another 400bbs (other guy had AK).
It's hard to analyse ranges when you have so many players to the flop. Also when you have AK/AQ/AJ raise and get called, not even comfortable betting multiple streets with TPTK when there's so many callers. At the same time I can't just check and only bet two pair+. Even worse is when flop is monotone/paired/draw heavy and you're first or second to act, with 5-6 players behind.
Such a weird game- 1. How would you adjust your opening ranges and positions to limpers in front of you?
2. Post flop- how would you play top pair/middle pair type hands or draws?
3. Any other advice?
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