NL50 bluffraising turn+jamming river
Posted by Limp Limpson
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Limp Limpson
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Low Stakes
NL50 bluffraising turn+jamming river
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $26.02
SB: $35.74
BB: $42.77
UTG: $79.29
MP: $50.40 (Hero)
CO: $69.56
SB: $35.74
BB: $42.77
UTG: $79.29
MP: $50.40 (Hero)
CO: $69.56
Villain is 20/14 over 218 hands. Ive seen him stab once with whiffed AK in 3bp and giveup. WTSD 25%, WSD 25% (most likely bad run), WWSF 39%. Opens utg 22% in this sample. cbet in non3bp F/T 80/50.
Hero is MP with
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Preflop I think is fairly std. Against this particular villain, who does seem to be weak, I'd consider 3betting some AKo combos.
Floating flop seems ambitious, but I do have some equity and blockers vs his strong hands. His sizing also doesnt scream strenght and I think that sizing tells from weakish players are fairly reliable.
Again, his sizing doesnt scream strenght. With added equity I decided to raise turn and jam all non/spade and non Q/K/A rivers. If he calls, we'll have 31.97$ effective, the pot will be 37.61$
Do you guys think that this plan is reasonable?
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To be honest I don't know. I can't really give advice on these kind of strategies... but I gave give you my 2 cents.
IMO, elaborating float - bluff strategies in 3bPOTS vs UTG opens is not that great overall... at lower levels at least it isn't really I think. And what are you going to do in the majority of scenarios when he will bet turn 3/4? Just fold? Still bluff raise?
As played, i think something like a Th, Jh would be a much better candidate to bluff on, it practically almost doubles your equity vs a fairly wide range (TT,AQs+,KTs+,QJs,AQo+,KJo+).
well it's hard for him to have a straight since KTs would be kind of on the low end of an opening range UTG so is T8s. He could def have QJs, maybe 33 depending on hes opening range, and def 99+. If he has 99,TT,QQ, JJ don't think he is folding. you make him prob fold AQ, KQ, if you jam river depending on the riv and your history with him then he will be folding KK+ which he would call on turn I guess depending on your tendencies. TT would prob fold to a jam but i don't know because you're representing a straight on the turn and he will have those blockers.
I don't think you can credibly rep many strong hands ott - KTs is prob not in your CC range MPvEP, and you might XR some set combos otf + you're not raising 2pair ott, so I don't really like it vs a thinking player.
But overall, I like your plan, I just don't think these are the positions to do it.
When your plan is to float the flop you can continue on any A, K , any heart and maybe a J.
This would make 6 immediate us, 13 outs we can float or sembluff on, = 19/47 cards we can continue + the chance of him x/folding the turn or we getting to showdown with the best hand.
The only problem tough is that a J can improve his hand to 2 pair or straight and so does an ace or king.
Flop is fine, not even a float vs 80% cb.
Turn is just a fold when he continues on one of the worst cards for his range.
Agree with SPrince.
Would probably take the raise turn jam river line with a hand like JTs, which blocks sets, 2-pairs and straight combos.
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