NL50- AK facing TPTK triple barrel pot bets

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NL50- AK facing TPTK triple barrel pot bets

Notes on villain:

raise flop with K TPGK- barrel turn 1/2 pot - check back river

riases flop- 1/2 pot turn and folds to ch/r AI

I went for a ch/call as villain has a very cbet stat, and I expect him to stab at it with everything. His pot turn sizing looked strong compared to his usual 1/2 pot sizes, but I think its a call as didnt have much hands on him at that time, so not to know what his pot sizes mean. 

OTR, his notes shows he understands showdown value, so his river bet seems very polarising to either the nuts, in this case all his sets and 2pr OTF make boats. Or he takes this pot triple barrel line with air.

At the time was thinking it was a good fold, but not too sure now, but I still think most villain don't triple barrel bluff like this, usually its smaller bets or a river check back.


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