NL50 140BB deep AQs OOP

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NL50 140BB deep AQs OOP

Villain is 22/14 with 3-bet of 5.0% and fold to 3-bet of 16% over 1k hands. It's late at night and not much players on rush poker so it's short handed. A few hands ago villain stacked me in a hand with bottom 2 pair vs. my flopped straight. Not sure how much that matters in this hand.

Just wondering if my turn bet is +EV here. I think he peels with a lot of pair+gutshot hands. Obviously some overpairs like TT-JJ and sets as well. So my equity vs. his range is quite bad on this card. The 4 is probably the 3rd worst card in the deck next to a 6 or 7.

But is it exploitable to give up so easily? So many turn cards are bad for me on this flop and the only reason I bet is because of my BDNFD. The turn cards that are good for barreling are any T, J, Q, K, A, spade = 25 cards more than half the remaining deck.

It just feels gross to bomb this flop and then have to give up.


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