NL5 Zoom should I click it back here?

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NL5 Zoom should I click it back here?

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (9 Players) BN: $4.71
SB: $5.12 (Hero)
BB: $5.00
UTG: $7.34
UTG+1: $5.16
MP: $6.53
MP+1: $5.00
MP+2: $6.71
CO: $7.32
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is SB with 3 A
3 folds, MP+1 raises to $0.15, MP+2 folds, CO calls $0.15, BN folds, Hero raises to $0.65, BB folds, MP+1 calls $0.50, CO folds
Flop ($1.50) 3 3 J
Hero bets $0.47, MP+1 raises to $1.15, Hero

after losing 2 buyins at nl25 and a little bit of tilt I decided to move down back to NL5 and grind it there...

The Openraiser was a standard TAG reg with like 15/12 but he had 75% foldto3bet so I'm widening my preflop squeezing range.
The caller was 30/25 guy so I expect him to have a wide range.

Certainly I need to squeeze this hand. Openraiser snapcalls so I think he has a range of like 99-QQ, AKo, AQs.
People are so nitty that I still think there are enough people who don't think about 4b/gii w/QQ so it's definitely in his range.

But with KK and AA they would mostly 4bet/gii.

The question is if he is calling AJs but imo it's mostly folded especially if it's a guy who is folding a ton to 3bets over a somewhat decent sample (300 hands) and also the reggy taggy look he makes.

Ok we flop gin.
My sizing plan is to go small over 3 streets so that I get some loose peels by TT or 99 or maybe even by AQs that wants to float me and bluff turn.
However he decides to raise small.

I don't really expect him to raise flop with JJ because usually people like to call flop and raise Turn with this hand... I still have to give him a small frequency of JJ because I didn't know him.

But I really believe he is playing this line as some kind of information bet.. maybe sometimes bluff AQ with backdoorflushdraw but besides that he is probably doing this with QQ sometimes and TT and 99.

So the question is should I maybe click back the flop because it gets him into a lot of trouble and I could play this line with AK?

Am I thinking too advanced here?

Of course if I have QQ+ I would never click it back but rather call.


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Mancuso 8 years, 1 month ago

Why click back
Just call

Pokerlogical 8 years, 1 month ago

click back so that I can turn AK in a bluff on the flop (which I wouldn't have done in this hand but having enough nutted hands in my range that click back would make me more confident in playing this line with AK (or probably I should play this line rather with AQs so that I block QQ).

WM2K 8 years, 1 month ago

With AK you would call and not 3 bet if you are to continue with the hand. AK high just stands to be best quite often vs a wide enough range. Idk what your range looks like but like KQs with backdoor FD is likely a better candidate for a 3 bet bluff.

With JJ Id definitely call as we have the board locked and theres nothing for villain to have. With A3 theres some chance that he getting stupid with AJ so I like 3 betting more. Probably either calling or 3 betting is ok.

WM2K 8 years, 1 month ago

Also about taking shots at higher stakes seems you should go about it in a more systematic way. Strikes me as highly erratic to go from 25nl to 5nl cause you lost 2 bi. First if you have a solid winrate over a large sample of 5nl-10nl that should give enough confidence for a 25nl shot. Failing that having a bankroll or at least being ok to refill the bankroll + some confidence from peers that you have a solid understanding of the game should be enough.

So now we decide that we wanna take a shot at 25nl. I wouldn t take a shot at any game unless I was pretty comfortable losing 3-5 bi s at least. Getting tilted from losing 2 bi s is a strong sign that we re not ready for higher stakes. Gain more confidence in your game through effective study and hard work. Once we have this confidence tilt becomes less of an issue. Fwiw I ve done lots of shot taking. Went from micros to 1knl when I was playing full time so I m well versed in the craziness this game can throw at you.

Pokerlogical 8 years, 1 month ago

I can still shot NL25 with my roll but I would be soo tilted if I'd be losing 2 or more buyins (which very well could happen). So I'll better grind NL5 until I have 40 buyins for nl25 and shot again :)...

WM2K 8 years, 1 month ago

Well work on your game till you have the confidence to lose 3-5 bi. Seems weird but getting comfortable losing $$ is super key in this game. I remember years ago I was feeling extra ambitious one day and deposited another 700$ to take a shot at 100nl. I got crushed and lost 700$ in a day but man probably was some of the best $$ I lost at the game. Desensitized me and made me much more comfortable losing. Not saying this is what you should do but slowly taking shots and practising some controlled losing will be good long term.

WM2K 8 years, 1 month ago

Its full ring so stats are different. Afaik 19/16 would be normal to looser with what we d assume are std 6 handed ranges. From everyones posts seems that playing like 22/19 could be correct. Obv being a positional lag.

WM2K 8 years, 1 month ago

Been kinda harsh with the last comments on your posts. Pls don t take it personally. You seem keen and motivated at this game but I see the same kinds of errors over and over in your threads. In the end enjoy the game and the process and things will fall into place with the right work. micros are super beatable.

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