NL5 T8o OTB facing turn c/r
Posted by JonathanPla
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Low Stakes
NL5 T8o OTB facing turn c/r
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (4 Players)
SB: $9.22
BB: $3.88
CO: $5.65
BN: $5.00 (Hero)
BB: $3.88
CO: $5.65
BN: $5.00 (Hero)
Hero is BN with
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I think because the flop is so wet we should bet larger
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Villain's raise is more than 2,5x so it feels strong. Should we call and fold river instead?
Final Pot
BB wins $1.17
Rake is $0.05
Rake is $0.05
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This is not correct. We prefer smaller sizing and not betting that often (for many reasons). However your sizing isn't end of the world
Turn is too mergy, especially after flop size likely checking is higher EV. You betting turn too often with weak hands, I saw it like 3 times in your HH.
Not betting ofte I get, but what is the logic behind sizing small o. wet flops? every source on cbetting says wet flop=big bet
I've noticed it as well, I just don't know what to do on turns. I've been studying cbetting a lot recetly but it's a struggle
Yeah, it's my understanding that we would want to size large on this flop with strong value/bluffs.
But with this hand, I would likely x/c given how well this hits BB's range and our hand has some SDV
On this board, how many turns are you going to be able to comfortably bet/continue on? I would rough it at 5 good turns (two T's and 3 9's). Of those turns, the T's are the best due to you now having the capability to catch up vs the flopped flush part of his range if you fill up.
On this flop I would simply bet smaller or put this hand into my check back range.
You guys really think opening T8o from the BTN, for a 2x sizing, is ok?
It's pretty close but it would be in my range from BTN (in a vacuum). Vs someone I had specific reads on, I might dump it. Vs my pool, who play horribly OOP, it is clearly in there.
What sizing would you choose?
Bartello82 I use 2x quite often OTB (especially with the abundance of short stackers that I seem to have on my left all the time ;) ). Vs 100bb+ stacks, I tend to use 2.5x always in CO/BTN and often times I use 3x MP/UTG. 3x in SB too.
Bartello82 For the most part, I don't see the value in a smaller than 3x RFI in the micros. Am I missing something?
This is a discussion about the pros/cons of different bet sizings at micros. One thing someone said is that if you open 2.5x from LP, it's costing you less to open/fold to a 3B. Again, though - we're talking about a half a big blind so I don't know how much water that holds.
My main reaction is WRT preflop as well:
With a minraise we have less fold equity, meaning we're more likely to see a flop.
We also build a smaller pot, which means we're further from the rake cap postflop.
This all feels like a nightmare, rake-wise, with something that is towards the bottom of anything we'd consider opening OTB. It really does risk being -EV, not that I've got any mathematical evidence handy.
Even at higher stakes than NL5 (though not HIGH stakes), I think opening bigger with a tighter range is way higher EV, if only due to rake.
in zoom I think it is alright, because both BB/SB can autofold and with 2x we can play wide range. T8o open pretty much with any size below 3x from BU (mixed open)
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