NL5- KQs in 3bet Pot, Flop Toppair, exploitive fold turn to overbet?
Posted by Pokerlogical
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Low Stakes
NL5- KQs in 3bet Pot, Flop Toppair, exploitive fold turn to overbet?
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.21 (Hero)
SB: $5.42
BB: $5.00
UTG: $5.62
MP: $6.14
CO: $5.80
SB: $5.42
BB: $5.00
UTG: $5.62
MP: $6.14
CO: $5.80
Hero is BN with
, , , ,
Villain unknown.
Can I fold turn exploitively?
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Mmh, another turn overbet spot. If you d play against yourself, you should prob call. Some players here dont know what to do and shove a diamond draw, but I assume most just want to get the money in with AK ++.
I thought it's either AK+, a semibluff or a pure bluff.
But I didn't know what this guy was doing so I just called because top of range.
Yes, you can. People definitely don't have enough bluffs when they overshove in 3-bet pots. This is AK+ and ocasionally a nut flush draw combo
I'm folding, this is AK or AA almost always.
you cant ask for exploitative advice and not provide any info on your player pool etc
nick, avatar, number of tables villain plays, time of day/day of the week the hand is played...all those can be factors that sway the decision in some way or another. Like friday night I'd be much more inclined to call than in the tuesday afternoon (european time).
Even small sample size can be useful.
As a default, in general, you're more likely to be right if you respect overbets, but those small details and ability to work with those factors distinguish the winning regs from the BE ones.
"Like friday night I'd be much more inclined to call than in the tuesday afternoon (european time)." Thats a nice one, even more stationing at sunday, 4:30 am
Tough spot, I probably call it off. Villains play so widely in these limits that they can often have AK/AA in these spots, but also hands like K10/KJ/ nut diamond draw. Unless you have a specific read on villain I would call it off
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