[NL5] Is this a turn shove?
Posted by OMGxSkillzZ
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Low Stakes
[NL5] Is this a turn shove?
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.64 (Hero)
SB: $3.04
BB: $5.44
UTG: $9.70
MP: $4.14
CO: $3.15
SB: $3.04
BB: $5.44
UTG: $9.70
MP: $4.14
CO: $3.15
Hero is BN with
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Are there any other options besides the call here?
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Looking at it again I think that going allin on the river is a mistake, because if he has an Ace too, then we are paying more rake. Something like 1€ could have also be fine.
Final Pot
BN wins $4.80
Rake is $0.27
Rake is $0.27
101 hands on UTG, he is a 17/15. Do we shove that turn? Have I been just lucky that the river wasn't a third diamond?
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You can but don't always need to. We do have an advantage on this turn because we do have AK where UTG really shouldn't. UTG should proceed here with more caution, raising would punish that. We do want to just call with some AK at some low frequency. How to decide?
Having Ad makes me lean towards a jam.
We block his bluff range -> He has more value heavy range. So we expect to get called more often.
I don't like our flop play, mainly our sizing. Rest seems fine.
What sizing should hero use in this spot?
Is betting the flop neccesary?
lIlCitanul Thank you for your answer.
Can you explain more about the flop decision please?
If we look at our 3-bet range and their 3-bet calling range the main difference would be AA, KK, AK and some lower hands as bluffs (if we are 3-betting polarized preflop).
While UTG's range would be more middling hands 88-QQ, AQo, AJs-AQs type of hands.
So as you can see our preflop advantage of AK, AA and KK somewhat dissapears on this board on the flop. Because of that we want to be very carefull when we bet.
lIlCitanul Thank you :)
just adding to IIICitanul:
beeing carefull when we bet means betting more polarised (eg bigger: 2/3 PSB up to an overbet).
AK should be a mix here i guess and holding the Ad makes this still a good candidate for betting. But just bigger (or check).
I like raising the turn, he can have QQ JJ which just aren't folding along with sometimes QJs 77 QTs. If he has AQ or KQ he should fold but some players will call. You also give his stronger diamond draws a tough decision (diamond hands like KT, KQ, AT, 87, 98).
You don't want to see a diamond, A, K, Q, J, T, 9, 8 or 7 on the river, which is well over half of the deck, as these cards often improve your opponent to boat/flush or kill your action (In your hand specifically he can easily fold QQ, JJ, QJ, 77 now, which you could have stacked). If a diamond comes are you comfortable calling his jam, or betting if he checks?
Against a spewy opponent who can bet the river often with weird bluffs the turn call makes some sense, but you shouldn't bet the flop against that player.
I don't worry so much about protecting my call range on the turn here especially as our opponent is probably a fish given they minraised flop.
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