NL5 - Facing all-in reraise on flop - thoughts?
Posted by E4Bandit
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Low Stakes
NL5 - Facing all-in reraise on flop - thoughts?
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
UTG: $6.02
MP: $11.46
CO: $6.73
BN: $7.71
SB: $7.16 (Hero)
BB: $4.80
MP: $11.46
CO: $6.73
BN: $7.71
SB: $7.16 (Hero)
BB: $4.80
Hero is SB with
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Thought about making it .20 instead of .15 due to the call showing weakness, but pocket 5's are not that strong by themselves anyways.
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After he re-raised, I wasn't entirely sure what to think. He could have 44 or 22, both of which I beat. Maybe he has 67? The only hand that I could think of that beat me is A3. The size of the re-raise says he has the nuts, but it's 5NL. People will do that with Top Pair, Medium kicker. Thoughts?
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You must stack off here everytime. At this level of play people stack much lighter than higher stacks. All over pairs are in his range, plus more.
That's exactly what I was thinking. What if this was say... 50NL or 100NL?
For any NL this is easiest stackoff in the world vs a guy who limped-call preflop and donk-reraised flop.
Yeah, easiest stackoff ever!
this is a stackoff, but I mean there are a lot of straight combos (mb even 20?), we're not fistpumping.
Am I the only one who folds 22 in this spot? And really hates his life with 44?
Yeah, I'd hate this situation without a topset. But without reads I wouldn't fold 22 here.
Against a passive player, I probably wouldn't raise 22 here in the first place.
vs. a guy who limps/call preflop at 5NL? No way i would fold any set, although i can agree that it wouldnt be the most profitable stack off in the world, but still EV+.
Im suprised that no one said anything about you not cbetting this flop. Mandatory cbet for value.
LOL you are right! I misread the hand - I thought fish is donking :) But when we XR and get allin I'd say we need to call every set if we play this way.
Yeah. Check-raise was table dependent here. Everyone was playing really tight, UNLESS you showed weakness by checking. It was a weird table, but I could basically cbet any flop I did not connect with and everyone would fold so long as I was the preflop raiser. If I would raise preflop, then everyone would bet/re-raise. I had a fairly tight image, so I believe they were trying to push me off my hands that they thought I did not connect with.
So basically, if I had a hand, I'd check and get value with them betting. If I missed, I'd cbet and they would fold.
I made a lot of money after this hand off that table.
stack off
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