NL5 BTNvUTG 3bp Turn Play

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NL5 BTNvUTG 3bp Turn Play

Struggle to think about how we play these paired boards? Both of us have Tx so we'd want to slow down betting turn, more comfortable checking with a heart, but probably more relates to AA/KK that require less protection? Can UTG even lead turn potentially?


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Gino Song 2 years, 6 months ago

both of you should not have many Tx here at all in theory, but if that is your read then yes UTG can lead turn here and you will feel sad, but almost no one is doing it with balanced ranges so dont worry about it

but if he is defending wide Tx along with 88/99/JJ here, he will show up with some overs and weaker pairs here so value betting turn small is fine here

river is a fold since you already think UTG shows up with too many Tx, you have some AK that play this way and thats sufficient enough to catch when he bluffs with AJs/AQs - he'd have to be bluffing more for you to want to catch with QQ/JJ here

the guy calls 3bet utg with -ev hand and is compelled to float a board vs 3/4 psb, seems like ezpz game for you so just go to value town - you can triple this board with smaller bet sizes and get called with worse from the looks of how UTG plays

RaoulFlush 2 years, 6 months ago

Yeah…ugly spot with QQ here. As villain shouldnt have 89 or 56 in range and we block the Qh UTG runs out of bluffs quickly. And as Dr. Maximilious Exploitopoulos MD already mentioned the K smashes your range and he stil is betting it.
I agree that we wake up with enough stronger combos in this node (or better blockers) to fold this one…

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