NL5 Bottom set. Thoughts?
Posted by ausuk
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Low Stakes
NL5 Bottom set. Thoughts?
Not much info on villain, except that he isn't a fish.
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come again for big fudge......
Seriously I'm never folding, we have the 5th nuts and villian can defiantly get in worst here.
Also i really dislike your flop c/r size, you need to keep an eye on pot to stack ratio, we make our life so much easier if we can just jam the river here for around pot.
Seems like an easy fold to me. Villains valuerange should not contain worse hands and it's not a spot where people bluff in general.
And yeah, raise the flop bigger.
Well played!
Call the flop. You don't have many hands you can check-raise for value, but you have tons of medium/mediocre hands that need protection.
The smallish bet might make him shove a flush, but it's way more likely he just has a bigger boat, so good fold!!
If this guy is a clown who keeps calling, obviously raise away and get value.
would you ever fold a bottom fullhouse live to a 3 bet on the river to a fairly straightforward player on KKJ23rainbow to about a 110BB 3bet on the river, flop/turn checked through?
This is 5NL. River brought flush and straight draws - I'm not folding, although it is dependant on what you think of the villain - Against a regular 5NL player I'm not folding this.
Although, your line was pretty bad. You could donk out on the flop to make villain spaz out with his overpairs, draws etc - I'll usually do this against weaker players when I am super strong or drawing to the nuts. The check/raise was away too small if you're going to take that line - Plus it looks really strong so you're unlikely to get paid off on later streets by worse.
That being said, I don't hate a fold. It's probably marginal either way - But I don't like your line.
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