NL5 AA vs Fish
Posted by ale9030
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Low Stakes
NL5 AA vs Fish
My question is how to play Turn, in Flop I think I could pay with OvC as well. Thanks for the help.
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You Can consider either betting bigger on the flop to able to have a even SPR to jam turn and play this as a 2 street game, or You can bet small on flop turn and river if you wanna play 3 streets.
As played, if he wants to have a bluff he would need to turn a small PP or float flop withBD clubs, both seem unlikely, so this spot is most likely underbluffed, you can feel alright about folding here
Edit: exploitative fold, calling is probably standard. maybe only fold with some reads. In retrospect I thought calling here was kinda bad but at second look It looks very standard.
Postflop is played fine.
The preflop 3bet is really large but nice play if this fish is going to call it ;)
I think it's fine as played, I love your over-3bet, no way he called it!OMG; but as he did that's great. I think you played amazing and nice notice that fish would call so much, my zoom fishes don't call that much. Although on turn you're somewhat likely beaten, I think that is just too nitty and exploitable to fold such a fancy hand to just $3 more. Did the fish setmine you and have a FH or just a random 8-trips or the disgusting A8o?
If your overall winrate in NL5 is fine, it's all good and feel free to move up to NL10 or whatever. I did some database analysis on NL5 FR ZOOM regs back in the day and most of those poor fellas were pushing a mere 3 to 3.5bb/100, it's probably more on regular tables but still, if you're, say, over 6bb/100 in regular tables, you're fine.
I would highly recommend reducing the amount of stats on your HUD. As played, the hand looks fine except for the flop sizing. As KatonBond said, you want to either size up or size down on the flop so that you can either comfortably bet two streets or 3. In this case, had the opponent called the turn, you would have around 3.00$ left to bet into a 15.50$ pot on the river.
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