NL5 AA facing flop c/r on 3bet pot
Posted by JonathanPla
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Low Stakes
NL5 AA facing flop c/r on 3bet pot
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
SB: $8.80
BB: $5.00
UTG: $8.97
MP: $5.24 (Hero)
CO: $4.43
BN: $5.00
BB: $5.00
UTG: $8.97
MP: $5.24 (Hero)
CO: $4.43
BN: $5.00
Hero is MP with
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Villain is unknown. I assume a tight 3bet range
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After c/r i guess I can oly call because of SPR. Should I be check often on a flop like this?
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This all depends on range construction for him calling 4b out of position. I don't see too much two pair but I could be mistaken. Does he flat KK here pre? If not, I think he has AK, TT, 99 here. Vs this range you obviously have plenty of equity. Add in something like AQdd and you are golden. My logic would also be that if he ever shows QJs here he will also make the play preflop with KQs.
All in all, when we bet so big on this flop, I have a hard time getting away ever. I am guessing the floor of our equity share is something like 36% if he has some KK and two pair with T9s some of the time.
I think the more standard play is to bet smaller in 4 bet pots though.
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