NL5 88 question
Posted by Pokerlogical
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Low Stakes
NL5 88 question
Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players)
BN: $5.00 (Hero)
SB: $5.10
BB: $6.04
UTG: $5.00
MP: $3.22
CO: $5.78
SB: $5.10
BB: $6.04
UTG: $5.00
MP: $3.22
CO: $5.78
Hero is BN with
, , ,
Final Pot
UTG wins $0.26
Rake is $0.01
Rake is $0.01
Do you 3bet this sometimes pre?
Opponent bets small OTF but if I call this one I will be overfolding the turn to a bet so I'm not sure.
For raising the flop we have too little EQ.
What's your line OTF? Peel once and giveup turn?
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i think you can fold 88 OTF. You have better hands to make a profitable call here. In this spot, even his bluffing range (AJ, ATs, JTs, etc) has a good equity against our hand.
No, pretty much never because his opening/defending range is too strong to 3b for value and you wasted a nice hand if you get 4b.
OTF I fold pretty quickly. KQx hits his UTG range very hard and I think you'll very rarely make it to SD and win. The price is of course enticing and I could see myself calling with JJ or TT with a spade but this I'm happily folding and never consider raising, too. With so little improvement potential this is one of the worst hands you can choose to raise with.
You also just have a ton of other and more playable hands to defend the flop with.
You have enough standard calls OTF like any Q ++, JT , any spade draw. So just fold this.
Pre I would never 3-bet this hand vs UTG. And OTF folding is standard
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