NL5 44 set vs agressive raise!

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NL5 44 set vs agressive raise!

This guy seems to be kind reggish!

he plays 33/23 WTSD=27 and af=3

I 3betted him because he as fold to 3bet of 80%, pretty high so a nice spot to take it pre.
Flop i cbet 50% of pot because its a really dry flop and i don't want to scare him.
Turn obv i cbet again, again didn't want to scare him so made a kinda small size cbet. when he raises me here i put him in set (and if its a set obv its going to be better, except KK because i think he would 4bet), a flushdraw, a Kx hand or 2 pair that his trying to protect or a pure bluff. I just call to keep all the hands on his range.

River is a though decision. He is not very agressive (only 3af) and shoves. On the range i gave him turn i think i can exclude some hands. I don't think he would shove here his Kx, two pairs or sets because river is an overcard and flush so its a bit scary for this hands. So i put him or in a flush or a bluff.

This was the first hand of the hu i am not really sure about whats the best play to do here :/

thank you boyz!

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