NL400 Valuebet river ? fixing my range

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NL400 Valuebet river ? fixing my range

SB: $501.25
BB: $400
CO: $400 (Hero)
BN: $422.50
Preflop ($6.00) (4 Players)
Hero was dealt T K
Hero raises to $12, BN folds, SB folds, BB calls $8
Flop ($26.00) 6 2 T (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $15.89, BB calls $15.89
Turn ($57.78) 6 2 T 9 (2 Players)
BB checks, Hero bets $36.01, BB calls $36.01
River ($129.80) 6 2 T 9 6 (2 Players)
BB checks
Villain is a very good and solid reg. His numbers in a 6k sample are 24/19/8.3
fold cbets % 46/39/78
call bb vs co steal 17%
3b bb vs co steal 8%

I get to the river with 68% ( 99+, 66, 22, 78s, KTo, KTs, ATo, ATs) made hands and 32% (JQo, JQs, KQhh, KJhh, T8hh, 45hh, 75hh, AXhh) busteddraws

If i bet river like $90 he has to win about 32% for EV+, so should i bluff my entire range here ? I would like valuebet as wide as i could, is KTdd the bottom of my value range ? or is in my check back range ?

Would you make some changes to my turn bet range or river range ?
Im curios about how should i play some specific hands like 75hh, T8hh, JTo, QTo in TURN ...

All coments and advices are welcome.. !


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nutinsider 11 years, 11 months ago
With your hand, I think betting is ok, not sure if I bet 90, maybe a touch less. Regarding your question about how to play your combo draws/top pair medium kicker hands...It seems that since he is a good player, you want to be balanced more than against a fish, merging your range accomplishes that. Sounds like you know what you're doing tho.
BigFiszh 11 years, 11 months ago
I´m a bit worried about his high fcb on river, but if you say he´s a good and solid reg it might just be a matter of samplesize.

As you correctly analyzed your range, KTs is probably right away the bottom of your value-range, so it makes not that much of a difference (for your overall range) if you bet or check. If the numbers are somewhat reliable I might xb KT though, because it doesn´t hurt your range and he might not call much worse after you 3-barreling him on a board that a) did not leave much room for draws and b) hit his range better than yours.
Juan Copani 11 years, 11 months ago
And how many bluffs would u add to your river bet range ? Would u bet all your busted draws combos ?
nutinsider 11 years, 11 months ago
Hey, when you ask "bet all busted draw combos?" I think you have to answer that the same way you answer "do i value bet all bottom of my range type hands" the one you have here. (kt diamonds) Certainly you don't and certainly it's VERY player dependent, but I think you get the idea. If the opponent has a higher propensity to call, then maybe reduce the frequency in the bluff department and increase the frequency in the betting lower parts of range department....etc.
Juan Copani 11 years, 11 months ago
How much should i desviate of GTO. I could winning a lot of extra money by betting all my busted draws, or just loosing all the winning that i get when i value and get call by worst.

Would u bluff less combos if u see a call of 89s, or u just start valuebeting more wide ?

I need my river bluff works 40% of the time for autoprofit. I always thought that even if he is calling a huge amount of the time, or more than 60%, i still want a few bluffs in my range, even if they are EV-. I don´t want an image for myself where i always have it when i bet. Is this a correct argument or am i wrong ?
BigFiszh 11 years, 11 months ago
You don´t deviate from GTO just for the sake of it. And you can´t just increase your value-range at will so you´re able to bluff more often. Your value-range is limited by Villain´s (calling-)range,

So, you analyze Villain´s range and come up with how many bluffcatchers and how many strong value hands he can have. Then you come up with the maximum range you can potentially valuebet against that range (so he has a) enough bluffcatchers and b) those bluffcatchers have to be worse than your value-betting hands).

Finally you add up enough bluffs to your value-range that Villain is break-even.

Like in your example his range maybe consists of:

99-88, T9s, 98s, 97s, 87s, 86s, 76s, 65s, AT-JT

Against that range KTs has 55% equity (I eliminated any slowplayed sets aside of 99 from his range, as I expect him to x/r the flop most of the time).

Technically this is sufficient against his bluffcatchers - yet, it´s kinda close because of the fact that you won´t shove so you´ll be in risk of him x/r you (for value and/or as bluff), so betting or checking most likely not makes a big difference, neither in EV nor in relation to your overall-range.

And last but not least - once you have defined a GTO-range (by feel or calculated) you can deviate to exploit Villain´s tendencies. Like if you know he´s folding too much to 3-barrels, then you can increase your bluff% and potentially cut off the bottom end of your value-range (like KTdd). If you instead know that he´s bluffcatching superwide (with say 77 in this spot due to his blockers) then you can decrease your bluff% and valuebet thinner.

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