NL400 live ten handed - KQo in 3bet pot

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NL400 live ten handed - KQo in 3bet pot

UTG straddle $8, UTG+2 who is a young guy, playing super aggresive pre but haven't seem him out of line, makes it $28 and I pick up the KQo in MP+2, so I make it to 82, everyone folds to him, who calls, Hero's stack is around $600, Villain covers

Flop AhQs2d ($180)

Villain checks, I check behind. I don't see any merits in cbetting this board and if I have a check behind range I think this combo should be filling it

Turn 7d ($180)

Villains bets $130, Hero ?

So basically Im not partidary of start bluffcatching on earlier streets but the board is so dry that equities are not gonna change much to the river so I don't have too many complicated spots if villain starts ovebluffing

We are having very good blockers to the top of villain range he can basically be having here, so w the KQ Im blocking good portion of his value bet range (AK,AQ) but how would you generally approach this spots? He is firing kinda big on turn and for me seems unlikely he's sizing all of his Ax that size (thought I might be wrong just tell me if you disagree with it) and at the same time on this runout d I also think It's fairly likely we are facing a double barrel on most rivers.

Just interested on how you guys would approach it, thanks !


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bronxsystem 9 years, 8 months ago

easy fold I think.

he may be bluffing with like TT 99 or something but he has a lot of Ax in his range and to call turn + river will be getting crappy price.

If he was all in ott for that $130 then would be a lot closer.

sixers333333 9 years, 8 months ago

Your check on the flop made your turn very hard to play. Since he is a aggressive player how often does he bluff now?

If you Cbet on the flop and he calls. I would be more happy to fold the streets after.

bronxsystem 9 years, 8 months ago

@sixers nah flop check is fine. I would bet flop is he was super passive fish. you are not thinking about river imo.

the reason the hand is tough is because we have no idea what hes 3betting pre and calling with.

all PP? TJ KJ?

If you put like TJ KJo in his range I think calling ott is ok vs a meh aggro player. VS a good player i would fold ott because they might bomb river after you cap your range. I don't expect most people to bluff spaz otr but I could see them put you on a bluff 3b pre or fold like KQ KK ott to a bet.

originally I said easy fold but that's because I thought after you 4b he doesn't have KJ TJ type hands but depends on person.

Just my 2 cents

sixers333333 9 years, 8 months ago

You are the one that 3bet pre right? Whats the point of checking the flop? so your play was to check the flop and fold to turn bets?

if you were playing against me. I would almost lead with anything on the turn. On flop I would check with anything. If you c bet, it makes it a lot harder for me.

IDK how that table was playing but at 1-2 in any casino in phily area and 3bet pre is consider strong. Almost no one 3bet pre with a range lower than AK. the check on the flop may scared me into thinking you have AA. but most likely i would put you on KK or weaker. If u check the flop. I would lead on turn and bet big on river.

unless i have a really good read on a player. I would never call a 3bet pre out of position with a weak range though. just not profitable in $1-2 in the casino i play in since most players have a high range 3bet pre. doing that with a KQo is considered a bluff in the live 1-2 games i play in.

I am a tight aggressive player. logged 1500 hours so far and avg 8 big blinds per hour. 27 years old.

I doubt calling here is profitable from the hours i have played. but i guess u were playing 2-4? since u can straddle $8?

piterlanguila 9 years, 8 months ago

The point of checking the flop is that I don't see too many worst hands that are calling me, so I don't really get the point to bet so depolarized here and strengthening his range. I think this hand fits pretty well in my check back flop range , If I think he's not having that many Ax in his flat oop and turning lots of hands into a bluff it may be easier to calldown, but in fact Im having better hands to calldown here as I have some slowplays AA-AQ, and some Axs to protect my check back range

sixers333333 9 years, 8 months ago

thinking about the pre-flop action. better to just give up this hand unless is a loose aggressive player.

if u bet on flop u maybe able to get KK JJ 1010 or even A10 AJ to fold. KQ suited. I can see JJ 1010 beting on the turn to get you fold KK KQ or less. As you can see the table turned when you checked on the flop from him making a hard decision to you making a hard decision. thats why i would have kept the aggression .

believe it or not u can get someone to fold KK AJ or lower here with a bet on the flop at $1-2 in casinos near phily lol.

piterlanguila 9 years, 8 months ago

I think it is pretty safe to assume he is never x folding AJ otf, also KK gonna 4bet a decent amount of the time, and I have K blocker, doesn't seem too likely KK here, Im just getting to fold better hands than mine and not extracting much value except for a weaker Qx that he doesn't have that many or some gutshots and Im blocking KJ too, I just don't agree with what you stated. Villain was a young LAG so KQo it is a pretty good 3bet bluff here, I think folding pre is a mistake

Knoxox 9 years, 8 months ago

It looks weak but I'm also folding the turn. Villain shouldn't bluff that often on a board that hits our range this hard.

bronxsystem 9 years, 8 months ago

that was what i thought too at first but dont you think were over thinking it? do you play a lot live? not trying to sound condescending was just curious because if your a live pro or something you would have bigger sample than me.

I see people live just click buttons they see a check and even though you rep showdown value they just auto bet. KJ TJo I could easily see them think oh I already put in x pre he checked he might be giving up or has KK TT JJ and they auto bet.

live poker can be silly

Knoxox 9 years, 8 months ago

No I almost never play live cash. So I don't really know how bad people are :)

I would use this play online, so it could be wrong to use it live.

bronxsystem 9 years, 8 months ago

only asked because wanted to get idea of sample size.

im still so confused about this hand. im sure they have a ton of gutter combos but not sure how often they lead with them ott.

Will Winaton 9 years, 7 months ago

Am I the only one who would fold this pre 100%? KQo is so fckn bad against very tight ranges. I mean yea nice blockers, but it's hard to get a flop where you can make the best decision unless you hit nothing.

On the turn I would say easy fold. He should have all the AK combos possible, AQ sometimes 1 combo QQ, and I dont think he has a lot of bluffs in this spot. This texture gives him a lot of made hands and few draws in my opinion.

piterlanguila 9 years, 7 months ago

You're absolutely right, but the fact that why I do 3bet it is because he is super wide preflop, so against a tight range pretty ez fold, but folding against such aggresive opponents I think folding KQo would be a considerable mistake

Will Winaton 9 years, 7 months ago

If he's superwide pre, then it is probably ok to 3b KQo. But still folding is 0EV, and given positions and how many players still behind you, I don't think this is a so easy +ev 3b that folding would be a considerable mistake.
I'm just saying that in this position and situation you should play pretty tight in default, and yea If you can adjust because you know he's pretty loose then it's good, but it won't add a lot to your winrate in my opinion. And I might be wrong. But KQo looks better than how it performs in my database :D

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