[NL2z 6-max] Line check: AQs IP against MP 4-bet
Posted by Pete S
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Pete S
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Low Stakes
[NL2z 6-max] Line check: AQs IP against MP 4-bet
Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players)
BN: $2.83 (Hero)
SB: $2.01
BB: $2.11
UTG: $3.96
MP: $3.80
CO: $2.00
SB: $2.01
BB: $2.11
UTG: $3.96
MP: $3.80
CO: $2.00
Hero is BN with
, , , , , ,
At this point I put him on: QQ+, AKs, AKo, AQs
Final Pot
MP wins $1.73
Rake is $0.06
Rake is $0.06
I am new to RIO and this is my first post - hello!
I am a beginner and have been studying seriously for a few weeks, but though it was time to get involved in the community.
I was just wondering about my line here with AQs?
It feels horrible to have to put it down, and GTO+ indicates its an okay line, but I am just wondering if my preflop line might be able to improve the situation for me postflop.
Any thoughts or tips appreciated - thanks all.
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Hi Pete!
First, congrats for the initiative, you've got the spirit ;)
I think you don't need GTO+ yet. It's a wonderful tool but at the beggining we need to understand basic theory and learn to play a solid poker. GTO+ will come after
Here you decide to 3bet AQs vs MP and I would recommend you to just call unless you have some read on vilain.
Why do you 3bet here? Bluff? I don't see many hand that vilain would fold in his open raise range. And we know you can't 3bet for value because once he call we just have 50% in an optimistic scenario. I think call here is more profitable than 3bet. And when he 4bet we,re behind. At this stake, there's few 4 bluff Oop and his value range crushes our range. You have to fold here and it's horrible to fold AQs you're waisting a lot of equity
Flop I wonder if vilain would bet AK after you called his 4 bet... And the worst part it's if he does we're still behind! It's an absolut fold flop.
Hi Erdis, thanks for the reply.
I mostly got GTO+ out of interest, I am definitely still trying to master the core theory first (as you can see!).
It's really interesting, I must just over-value AQ in general, especially suited. I guess I bet thinking he would fold 77-99 and maybe ATo type hands and some lower suited connectors.
I will look to slow down a little with AQs v EP raisers from now :)
You can call profitably with aqs here in the small blind. Also your 3bet sizing is too small. Make it 24 not 18.
You can fold the flop
Thanks for your thoughts Panick, I was in the BTN here - but think perhaps a call is best.
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