[NL2z 6-max] Line check: AQs IP against MP 4-bet

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[NL2z 6-max] Line check: AQs IP against MP 4-bet

Blinds: $0.01/$0.02 (6 Players) BN: $2.83 (Hero)
SB: $2.01
BB: $2.11
UTG: $3.96
MP: $3.80
CO: $2.00
Preflop ($0.03) Hero is BN with A Q
UTG folds, MP raises to $0.06, CO folds, Hero raises to $0.18, 2 folds, MP raises to $0.44, Hero calls $0.26
At this point I put him on: QQ+, AKs, AKo, AQs
Flop ($0.91) 8 4 4
MP bets $0.44, Hero calls $0.44
Turn ($1.79) 8 4 4 9
MP bets $0.87, Hero folds
Final Pot MP wins $1.73
Rake is $0.06

I am new to RIO and this is my first post - hello!
I am a beginner and have been studying seriously for a few weeks, but though it was time to get involved in the community.

I was just wondering about my line here with AQs?
It feels horrible to have to put it down, and GTO+ indicates its an okay line, but I am just wondering if my preflop line might be able to improve the situation for me postflop.

Any thoughts or tips appreciated - thanks all.


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Erdis 6 years, 7 months ago

Hi Pete!

First, congrats for the initiative, you've got the spirit ;)

I think you don't need GTO+ yet. It's a wonderful tool but at the beggining we need to understand basic theory and learn to play a solid poker. GTO+ will come after
Here you decide to 3bet AQs vs MP and I would recommend you to just call unless you have some read on vilain.
Why do you 3bet here? Bluff? I don't see many hand that vilain would fold in his open raise range. And we know you can't 3bet for value because once he call we just have 50% in an optimistic scenario. I think call here is more profitable than 3bet. And when he 4bet we,re behind. At this stake, there's few 4 bluff Oop and his value range crushes our range. You have to fold here and it's horrible to fold AQs you're waisting a lot of equity
Flop I wonder if vilain would bet AK after you called his 4 bet... And the worst part it's if he does we're still behind! It's an absolut fold flop.

Pete S 6 years, 7 months ago

Hi Erdis, thanks for the reply.

I mostly got GTO+ out of interest, I am definitely still trying to master the core theory first (as you can see!).

It's really interesting, I must just over-value AQ in general, especially suited. I guess I bet thinking he would fold 77-99 and maybe ATo type hands and some lower suited connectors.

I will look to slow down a little with AQs v EP raisers from now :)


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