NL25z 88 vs 4bet
Posted by 1BuckPlease
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Low Stakes
NL25z 88 vs 4bet
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $19.30
SB: $25.16 (Hero)
BB: $106.78
UTG: $25.87
MP: $26.84
CO: $39.21
SB: $25.16 (Hero)
BB: $106.78
UTG: $25.87
MP: $26.84
CO: $39.21
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
MP wins $14.20
Rake is $0.67
Rake is $0.67
villain is unknown
What is our squeezing range here? 88 is mixed call and sq for me.
against this 4bet sizing, can we fold this one? How much does it narrow our flatting range compared to our 3betting range?
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I would say 3B or fold is preferable to 3B or call in this spot. 88 is about the absolute bottom of that too, and I would rarely 3B it (<25%). I would only call here with a known passive rec in the BB.
Fold vs the 4B would be my preferred option. You almost have enough behind to set mine profitably, but you are OOP against a range of something like QQ+, AK, and A2-A5s at best. Even the bluffs have good equity against you and honestly they may be even tighter than that.
Not sure what site you play on but 4B ranges in the pools I play in are extremely nutted which scares me off this hand.
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