NL25 Zoom: turned mid pair + FDGS, barrel or check?
Posted by ohgodwhy
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Low Stakes
NL25 Zoom: turned mid pair + FDGS, barrel or check?
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $25.87
SB: $55.46
BB: $25.60
UTG: $26.58 (Hero)
MP: $18.53
CO: $54.67
SB: $55.46
BB: $25.60
UTG: $26.58 (Hero)
MP: $18.53
CO: $54.67
villain 25/13 over 9 hands
Hero is UTG with
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I have very little info on villain but I'd guess he's not a complete fish and has a somewhat decent SB calling range, probably including a lot of pairs, broadways, big suited connectors and stuff like this. Given that, I don't think a pair of 8s has much SDvalue if it goes check, check on the river. Is it therefore advisable to keep betting here? I don't think I'll get c/r'd very much and I can likely fold out some better hands like JJ or QJhh.
How good does this 2nd pair have to be so that you'd prefer checking?
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Lets say he has a hand like AJo then is his favor 61--38. With all the fold equity w a sec barrel like beting out a hand let say JJ-TT i think you should barrel turn to, And consider to 3barrel on river.
Yeah, exactly. If he has a hand like AJ, AQ he's never raising but I have so many rivers to improve over his hand or be able to bluff him off it with a 3barrel.
yeah I used to always check in these kind of spots too but thats actually a big leak and mistake to check. If we even hit our hand it will be hard to get value, now we can fold better and get value when we hit, its a clear bet on the turn
I'm almost always betting this turn.
bet turn , x back rivers unimproved. easy game. Assume he calls any Ax, and probably fold worse. also when u check back river unimproved u might beat like 66 or 7x ,
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