NL25: underrepped AK facing sqz + 4b
Posted by footlong
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Low Stakes
NL25: underrepped AK facing sqz + 4b
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
UTG: $30.24
MP: $23.89
CO: $41.78 (Hero)
BN: $12.87
SB: $25.10
BB: $24.60
MP: $23.89
CO: $41.78 (Hero)
BN: $12.87
SB: $25.10
BB: $24.60
UTG 28/21
open UTG/MP is 25/17 over ~30 samples each
BTN 35/10/3b 7 over 50 hands
open UTG/MP is 25/17 over ~30 samples each
BTN 35/10/3b 7 over 50 hands
Hero is CO with
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What's your shoving range in this spot and what do you think UTG's range for re-iso'ing is/should be here?
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Just muck AKo. Btn doesnt seem to be a whale, so I don't expect UTG to 4b wider than JJ+,AK. You have very little money invested so shoving AK with no FE is losing IMO. QQ is on the edge too. If he 4b/calls JJ, then its a shove , but I would only shove KK+ if I coldcall them ever.
With UTG seeming very reasonable and a fishy player behind, I think flatting at least AA has a lot of merit here. Concerning UTG I highly doubt that he stackoff with JJ after my cold 5b shove. I think he either flats BTNs squeeze or tries to isolate him but folds to my shove most of the time.
+1 to just folding here. I don't think I would have a shoving range, I would just flat my AA & KK here.
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