NL25 T7s - teriblu played
Posted by screamdustry
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Low Stakes
NL25 T7s - teriblu played
(i cant find a way to convert PKR hands)
SB is a fish 40/7 AFq:13, 30 hands. Not much info about him.
I think my 3bet was way too loose coz we gonna be called too often.
My 3bet range should be only for ISO-plays here i think.
Turn is also bad i think coz we dont have enough FEQ.
My question is the river tho - after i misplayed preflop/turn, im not sure if i shouldnt bet here. Even with very low sizing - just to make some FD/str8 draws fold. I got really 0 SDeq so im loosing the hand like 99% if i check it down.
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Fold pre. As played, just give up post flop on this board
Definitely don't fold PF.
Yeah, obviously calling pre >>> folding pre, I don't really know why I said fold haha But I would never squeeze this hand.
indeed teriblu and imposibru to!
I think calling pre & squeezing broadway cards vs the fish is better.
OTF I would just give up vs this guy & only cbet with equity.
Yup. Would you guys bluff river as played pre/flop/turn?
u checked too much so u dont rep much and he might call u with any bottom pair then
As played of course not.
This hand could be a good candidate to bluff with, since we block KT and doesn't block clubs. I prefer AT more, but that's just a little point.
Just barreling once on this board is a bad play. He is able to just call middle pair. And if he does this his range is superwide coming to the river.
But as u know - never bluff a donkey :)
call pre is good. Obv SB shouldn't be calling the squeeze. you did pick up some equity if you do decide you want to bluff, how about a larger sized bet of maybe $5 - $5.10 to give SB worse odds to call. Or of course giving up and checking all the way down is an option too.
yeah call pre, as played I think that I'd follow through otr and I have no idea if that is ok or not tbh
Super easy call pre. I wouldn't squeeze such a weak hand (and I like those SC-type hands as overcalls rather than squeezes in general).
As played, I have no idea - I'd probably give up vs fish (Tx blocker is not that relevant as far as his calling range goes, because he likely doesn't give a fuck about those things anyway), and fish don't like to fold vs delayed 2barrel in general imo, so 1-and-done is fine by me.
call pre and xback on the turn are definitely way more profitable vs fish
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