NL25 - river spot
Posted by screamdustry
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Low Stakes
NL25 - river spot
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $131.17
SB: $29.69 (Hero)
BB: $37.99
UTG: $29.22
MP: $27.88
CO: $25.64
SB: $29.69 (Hero)
BB: $37.99
UTG: $29.22
MP: $27.88
CO: $25.64
Hero is SB with
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rather standard, this hand is easily strong enough to put into linear 3betting range at SB
low flop, favorize rather preflop raiser given that i have advantage in overpairs
id imagine with my flushdraw its extremely profitable bluff
Ok, so to balance my vbets i propably should cbet there majority of my turned flushdraws.
But whats reality?
How people play there 98/87/99/TT versus shove river? Do i have reasonable foldequity at river?
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I think it's a good spot to 3barrel, I like it. I would like it even more vs a reg cause fish would call wide, maybe any 8x or overpairs like 99-JJ that you want them to fold.
I think it looks alright but since you didn't post any villain reads/stats, and since I would never make this play readless(if we do this readless I don't like it since random villain can call 8x+) I find hard to judge how good of a play this is.
I think the standard TAG reg will fold 98/87/99/TT most of the time on this runout though, unless you have a crazy rep. =)
I dont think you have much fold equity OTR. Only some Ax of diamonds will fold to a bet (maybe 55-77 as well) I dont expect villain to fold 8x plus here. So if you want to maximally exploit them, check folding this hand should be better. If you want to be balanced, its probably a bluff. You have A5s (4), TT+ (30) - maybe TT is too thin? idk tbh - and 88 (3). So 37 value combos, betting pot you need 18.5 bluffs. Turned flushdraws will be something around 15 combos depending on your preflop range and if you want to barrel hands like AQdd, AJdd, which probably play well as a check/call flop. So yeah you probably need all your turned flushdraws since I dont see you bluffing with many other hands OTT. Maybe 76s?
Are you calling versus unknown TAG with every 8x+ there? Because im not.
Id propably choose to bluffcatch with all TT and then id choose to not have diamond-blockers in my hand.
Im not saying what I would do but what I think an unknown will. Im my opinion he is always calling 99, TT and JJ (if he does not 4-bet pre). Also A8s and K8s will likely be called. Then he will have T8s, 89s, 87s. Those he might fold but there are some sticky players that might call them as well. Im calling 99+ readless
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