NL25: NFD on low board 3way
Posted by ohgodwhy
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Low Stakes
NL25: NFD on low board 3way
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $24.65
SB: $25.10
BB: $51.42
UTG: $25.00 (Hero)
MP: $54.08
CO: $35.52
SB: $25.10
BB: $51.42
UTG: $25.00 (Hero)
MP: $54.08
CO: $35.52
BTN 26/19 over 80 hands
BB 31/20 over 20 hands
BB 31/20 over 20 hands
Hero is UTG with
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What do you think about checking here? I don't have all the sets in my range with 100% frequency and besides overpairs a whole lot of missed broadways that I'd give up here so it kinda seems reasonable to strengthen my checking range with hands like these.
OTOH AT high doesn't have much SDvalue 3way which is a reason for betting through again.
OTOH AT high doesn't have much SDvalue 3way which is a reason for betting through again.
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From this point on I'm really not happy the way the hand went down. I didn't feel like I can continue betting here because I think I'll narrow their calling ranges down to hands that beat me with hardly and implied odds on my flush.
As played, the price I was laid on the turn was too good to fold but now I'm in another unfortunate spot where I don't think BTN will bluff or valuebet this river thinly so am I better off leading here even though it looks like what it is as well?
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I personally think you should have every set in your rang, you open UTG.... I like the CB, C/R could be an option, but multi- way might just end up bloating pot. On turn our pot equity makes up for lack of fold equity, I would continue too pile on aggression....
Yeah, well, depends on who's behind. I tend to have 22-66 in my elastic opening range (meaning that I open those when there's a weaker player on the blinds mostly, or IP, but with high CC + ftCB stats).
About the spot, though - I think I prefer just betting the flop here - those baby textures are hard to defend, and even if we have the best hand, worse ones can easily throw us out of the pot ott/otr. We also want to fold out random overcards to be able to barrel those if we decide to.
As played, I'm leading river - he's rarely calling a XR with worse, and it's a disaster if he XB a straight here sometimes - sizing wise, I'd bomb it - we're super polarized, so betting small doesn't make much sense.
Think you played the hand fine, as you say your getting great odds to call on turn and multiway on a drawy board you could easily be pushed off your equity if you led out or check raised.
As played I'd probably go with Taaaz and get it in and hope villain makes a hero call with a straight or has a worse flush. Our hand is face up but people do spazz out sometimes if they get a bad run out.
Some regs seem to feel compelled to attack weakness, if I know he's one of those types I may bet say 3 dollars and hope he raises.
Bet the turn. BTN shouldn't have sets often and BB has a ton of weaker draws. BB should have more 5x than us but as 25NL he's probably too tight pre so both players just have A5s.
But what am I repping then? I think the BB has a bunch of 5x in his range and I'd like to keep in dominated FDs and not force them to fold and narrow their ranges down to hands that beat me and play the river pretty perfectly. There are also hardly any str8 draws I need to protect against and I will likely get a freecard by 88, 99 etc.
You rep sets, thin vbets with overpairs and A5s. BB should, but won't defend K5/Q5/75s pre most likely.
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