[NL25] JJ vs river shove
Posted by twisterk
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Low Stakes
[NL25] JJ vs river shove
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
MP: $23.21
CO: $23.82
BN: $35.59
SB: $25.00
BB: $56.41 (Hero)
UTG: $62.92
CO: $23.82
BN: $35.59
SB: $25.00
BB: $56.41 (Hero)
UTG: $62.92
SB is a reg, 22/17/20 in 118 hands
MP seems recreational, 38/34/16 in 135 hands
MP seems recreational, 38/34/16 in 135 hands
Hero is BB with
, , , , ,
1. Would you 4Bet/fold? 4Bet/call vs SB?
2. What do you think about a small bet to get free showndown?
3. ??????
Final Pot
SB wins $11.62
Rake is $0.55
Rake is $0.55
Thanks for your comments!
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Readless I just fold preflop. SB can definitely be 3betting a lot of weaker hands here because MP is a rec and SB's 3bet% is very high in general so I don't mind 4b/call because of that.
When you just call it's obvious you have something like 99-QQ or AK/AQ, unless you also do this with KK+ and you will often get bluffed off of your hand postflop.
I think a call or a 4bet/call are more profitable here than a fold, I think JJ is just too strong to fold to this action. Would JJ be the top of your folding range in this spot?
As played I think you could conceivably put in a small bet here but against thinking players it may look like what it is and you may get bluffed off your hand so if I were to bet it would probably be around 1/2 pot. Checking back is ok as well I think.
When he overbet shoves the river it's a weird spot because given the way the action's gone I would agree with Resolve that your hands looks like what it is, a pair like 99 or JJ, maybe QQ. Villain could either be trying to put max pressure on that range by shoving or he might have a hand like AA/KK that assumes they're always good so they're going for max value.
I think I would probably call but I wouldn't love it, the T isn't a great card for him to barrel most of his bluffs imo so there are some bluffs that get to the river this way.
I don't have a cold call 3bet range. By default I would cold 4bet QQ+ and AQ+ & fold AQ to a shove against MP open.
4b/call is probably the easyest way to play. Thanks guys!
What do you think about calling the 3bet with AA/KK so the fish joins the hand?
I like it a lot more with AA than KK, SB has a lot of Ax.
4 bet/fold or fold; SB & MP look agro so far preflop(RFI/three bet) I like first option.
Linear continuing range raise or fold...
I wouldn't even classify MP as fish yet, just agro.
Probably a fold post given SB is the uncapped range and kind of crushing you with QQ+, most B-X-B lines are value heavy from the MDA ive looked at.
I think there is merit in betting turn checking back as well.
Hate cold calling three bets oop, especially when there really isnt an incentive to do so.
I think 4B/Fold is best by a large margin, are we really contemplating a fold with 34 PFR MP and 20 3B SB without any more info?
Yes you did say that to be fair! (Sorry hope that didn't come across as rude or anything)
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