NL25: Is this a bad 3 barrel bluff?
Posted by FatCat
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Low Stakes
NL25: Is this a bad 3 barrel bluff?
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $36.69 (Hero)
SB: $28.02
BB: $80.50
UTG: $35.07
MP: $29.31
CO: $25.00
SB: $28.02
BB: $80.50
UTG: $35.07
MP: $29.31
CO: $25.00
Hero is BN with
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SB has:
3bet from sb 14, vs BTN 13 (depolarized)
3betpot cbet: 44
fold to float in 3bet pot: 60
Good enough reason to bet, which was my plan originally
3bet from sb 14, vs BTN 13 (depolarized)
3betpot cbet: 44
fold to float in 3bet pot: 60
Good enough reason to bet, which was my plan originally
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On one hand it's true that we missed and that the board is getting super scary, on the other tho i feel like my range still contains all the flushdraws, all the Q and a bunch of sets here and there. His range on the other hand is capped.
Working a bit on crev i extimated that even if he aims at a 3rd nut flush, a big portion of his hands are folding (60% roughly).
Working a bit on crev i extimated that even if he aims at a 3rd nut flush, a big portion of his hands are folding (60% roughly).
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I thought this is a good river to fire the third shove barrel, being his range capped so hard it's very unlikely that he has a strong flush, and even if he did i still have tons of boats in my range.
I extimated, even when he calls with the 3rd nut flush (TxTh) or better, he's still folding a very good amount of hands (60%).
I extimated, even when he calls with the 3rd nut flush (TxTh) or better, he's still folding a very good amount of hands (60%).
Final Pot
BN wins $20.94
Rake is $1.21
Rake is $1.21
Since i'm not very good with crev and i didnt weight some check/calling with strong hands by opponent OTF, neither i know if i should've been worried about that ( i don't think so my field is very soft), do you think i should've played the hand differently?
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Flop + Turn bet is close for me, really depends on villains checking range. As a default I wouldn't be doing this at the micros as I feel I would be burning money on the flop+turn unless some favourable run outs come.
What do you mean by 'close'? If we attempt to bluff this flop, we have to 3barrel most runouts, I think, which isn't a great idea with a close to zero equity hand.
Yeah the fact that we have 0 equity was the main reason i had doubts on the hand.
It's close as in we may have enough fold equity to merit a bet on the flop, but then the turn is is massively dependent on villains flop checking range.
Its a good flop for your 3bet calling range but i dont like the bluff attempt. Villain can easily check call with kk or aa with one heart, you have no blockers to anything
My thoughts exactly, especially when he XC the turn again.
flop bet is ok, he can x/fold a lot here ,he is oop on crazy board and this board hit you hard.
But this turn help his x/call range on that board (AA-KK,AQ,AJ with one heart)
I thought the turn on one hand helps those hands that you mentioned, but on the other gives my range a good amount of fulls and some flushes alraedy, all of this hands in his range might not be so happy with getting in vs such a strong action. Would you get in with such hands?
It´s a board that both hits your ranges imo. He can easily going in X/C mode with hands like AQ/KQ/AA/KK/QT/AJ... The turn is'nt a bad card for his range, I think he has a lot of Qx and also hands like AJ with the Ah or even AK with a heart plus AA/KK with a heart. So on the turn, I think he has a Q or a big heart a good amount of the time when he calls so the river isn't that great of a bluffing card imo.
I would add that preflop call is close and that I don't like 3 barrel bluffing with 0 equity so I would'nt choose 44 for it ( plus you don't block any of his good hands OTF, i would prefer a hand like A5ss for example which has better equity and block AA/AQ...)
I would almost never fire the last bullet, probably not turn either.
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