NL25 full house fold vs river xr
Posted by Anom1c
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Low Stakes
NL25 full house fold vs river xr
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
CO: aloormaan: $15.60
BN: Anom1c: $51.58 (Hero)
SB: JohnyySmith3: $25.00
BB: piranha5D: $30.92
UTG: TwoTimesFaster: $31.32
MP: GREEN_G: $33.73
BN: Anom1c: $51.58 (Hero)
SB: JohnyySmith3: $25.00
BB: piranha5D: $30.92
UTG: TwoTimesFaster: $31.32
MP: GREEN_G: $33.73
Anom1c is BN with
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Final Pot
TwoTimesFaster wins $20.89
Rake is $1.09
Rake is $1.09
He's a reg, as far as I know not bad. He can't have a bluff with this line, it looks like TT or QQ to me.
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Snapcall imo, you have way too strong hand to fold. He could've played trips the same way
He could have definitely xc some trips on flop and turn but what sense does it make for a reg to xr the river against another reg (both "reasonable players") without beating his calling range? I think most regs would be afraid of only getting called by better...
If i was him i would've played A10 this way, because most of the time you would be betting 10x for 3 streets, and only combos that would beat me would be 66 10s or QQ, and i've seen calls with 8 10 in this position, so doesn't seem unreasonable at all
its a decent spot to bluff if he is a reg fwiw, QT is like the only hand you're calling and god knows if you have that in your pf/turn betting range.
But I agree that not enough (if anyone) at nl25 bluffs here and that this is a fold. That said, vast majorty of regs is calling, so I wouldnt lose sleep because of the call.
So what is he calling with twice to bluff raise river? Random Ax?
77/99-AA and even a hand like T9s cant be really xc otr and can be a reasonable xc otf/ott
He represents some TT, QQ, QT, T6hh, 22 occasionally with some weights as value hands. So he can have some 22 what he can play this way sometimes and U beat, and he can bluffs with A2 or (K2s maybe), maybe some A6hh, A6cc, A6ss occasionally as bluffs. I don't think I really want to fold without a special read or something when U that high up on Your range.
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