NL25 Btn Vs BB X raised flop tunr tough decision

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NL25 Btn Vs BB X raised flop tunr tough decision

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $73.63 (Hero)
SB: $28.18
BB: $30.52
UTG: $30.20
MP: $33.70
CO: $40.28
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is BN with Q A
3 folds, Hero raises to $0.55, SB folds, BB calls $0.30
Flop ($1.20) 2 6 Q
BB checks, Hero bets $0.75, BB raises to $2.84, Hero calls $2.09
Turn ($6.88) 2 6 Q J
BB bets $6.25, Hero raises to $21.88, BB raises to $27.13 and is all in, Hero calls $5.25
Final Pot BN lost and shows two pair, Aces and Queens.
BB wins and shows three of a kind, Deuces.
BB wins $59.14
Rake is $2.00

Hi, everyone. would love an op on this hand oppo is: (225 hands ) 25/20, XR29, WS27, W$50 How would you play against his xr flop ?
Does he has enough FD that he will xr there to justify our call flop? and if so isn't better 3bet flop than?
By just Bet/CALL flop do we fold any spade turn ?

as played flop turn is the most complicated,he bets Pot. By calling he will have a perfect 1psb river.
The Jc is not the best turn card of he XR middle value flop (QJ) rare but sometimes the could feel like they have protect against FD and A or K that coud comes ott, even if his stats le tme think that he's not a super fishi player.
So is it optimal oot just call? or just a direct fold ? I decided to SHove because his PSB and thought that he will feel commited with all his FD + hands like KQ AQ . I think best option are SHOVE>F>C What do you think ?

Thanks everyone who will give his thoughts on that!


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Jeff_ 6 years, 11 months ago

Flop we aren't folding, or 3betting. 3bet make sense for more aggressive dynamic which isn't going on nl25.
Turn Jc is pretty much blank, villian will have QJ rare compare to other hands in his range. Shoving is okay play if villian range are draw heavy and we shove to protect vs spade and don't let villian realize his equity.
Seems fine played, can raise bit smaller 15-17$

Live_your_dreams85 6 years, 11 months ago

Do not like just calling the Turn if his bet folding range has significant equity vs our hand.
I would like to raise and deny equity in that case, however there is no way to know whether that is how his range is constructed with so little history. If he has a lot of semi bluffs like FD his turn betting range then I would raise often, If mostly weak draws and worse TPs then I would call.

personally I would fold the turn vs this player with his turn sizing, however that is more of a player pool exploit

kirgiz 6 years, 11 months ago

Do not like just calling the Turn if his bet folding range has significant equity vs our hand.
I would like to raise and deny equity in that case

Aren't we just isolating ourselves vs his nuts if we don' expect to get called by his fDs?

KatonBond 6 years, 11 months ago

I can see what you are saying since SPR is low ish OTT, and he could stuff like 3xss , FDs, SDs, which have a good chunk of equity

If hes merged like that with many high equity bluffs, seems fine

If hes very polar with just Q6+ and stuff like K9 98 AT, this isnt very good.

As a standard I think i just close my eyes and call him down and fold AA KK KQ along the way

frontdoorbackdoor 6 years, 11 months ago

Think i'd go smaller on this flop. Against your bet sizing, wouldnt really expect him to raise all his flush draws but he also might be check raising hands like an overcard with bdfd and merged hands like KQ (but think this is less likely for his sizing).

Then on the turn some of his Jx FDs improve and his other draws dont pick up any equity so think his turn betting range strengthens significantly. That said, his only value combos are 22, 66, Q6s, maybe Q2s and you block some of those so he doesn't have a lot of value here. As a default strategy would probably call turn and call brick rivers, blocking value and unblocking bluffs but could also get on board with an exploitative fold on the turn given that population would under bluff this spot.

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