NL25 AK in UTG vs bu 3Bet

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NL25 AK in UTG vs bu 3Bet

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) BN: $32.48
SB: $29.22
BB: $27.06
UTG: $32.65 (Hero)
MP: $21.30
CO: $43.71
341 hands

25/19 3b 7 .
3b vs utg 3
3b vs hero utg 2
AF 1.0

no reads
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is UTG with A K
Hero raises to $0.75, 2 folds, BN raises to $2.25, 2 folds, Hero calls $1.50
i cant fold AKo in utg . i think my hand is so strong for fold and it is weak for go ai pf... so i call i only have 333 hands so his 3bet maybe is not so real vs utg,
so i call PF
Flop ($4.85) 9 A 6
Hero checks, BN bets $2.54, Hero calls $2.54
it is a easy check call imo. he would bet this flop a lot of the time, and if he check back i think i have a easy bet turn and river for value against qq+ and weak A
so i call
Turn ($9.93) 9 A 6 K
Hero checks, BN checks
this card is not so good becouse he could cbet KK and now have trips. but i thionk a lot of players will check back KK. i check thinking in make a x/c again but he checks...
River ($9.93) 9 A 6 K T
Hero bets $4.75, BN raises to $15.18
so in river i think i need value my hand i bet just 1/2 pot becouse i think his hand is a bit weak, but he raise me... really i cant see a bluff here... but maybe he have AT? i really dont know but i cant imagine call here and dont see a hand better than mine...
maybe he slowplay KKK? i dont know..

what u do guys call fold?

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