NL25, AA in a 4bet pot
Posted by Samu Patronen
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Samu Patronen
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Low Stakes
NL25, AA in a 4bet pot
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BB: $31.12
UTG: $29.57
MP: $25.00
CO: $25.35 (Hero)
BN: $82.58
SB: $61.00
UTG: $29.57
MP: $25.00
CO: $25.35 (Hero)
BN: $82.58
SB: $61.00
Hero is CO with
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Shoving is obviously fine too but I decided to call this time. His sizing is quite small so I want to call some weaker hands and also if I call, SPR is so small that I have no trouble getting all the money in if I want to, and with AA I don't need a lot of protection since there are no possible overcards.
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The biggest question is about the river play. Would you shove or check/call? By shoving I might get value from hands like KJ, but by check/calling I might induce him to bluff, and he will probably shove his KK/QQ anyway, so I don't miss value from those by checking the river.
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Readless I think your shove is super standard, and also better play after his turn chb.
Nice hand.
As played, How do you balance river?
He can have some AK, maybe AQ with bacdoors, or an occasionally A4s, TT on the flop. So he can bluff sometimes. Also this is a spot what happens pretty rarely, that's why hero, and villain also can confused a bit. Balance isn't that important here than a spot what happens time to time, and he can catch up easily. Maybe a somewhat important because the ranges are narow, and he can think about more easily what could be happen.
I like a flop x/shove. I dont think villain will bluff turn for me and I dont want to let an overcard ott to kill my action if he has TT-KK. Your play is fine ofc.
wp ! shoving is imo definitely more profitable. Most of time if he wanted to bluf he would bet the turn.
anyway i dont think that his 4bet sizing is small, seems pretty standard to me IP.
NH. I also prefer shipping river instead of checking hoping for a bet. I'm not sure if QQ-KK will always ship river. Although not so many combos because of your AA, AJ is still a part of his range and he will most likely just check that back... but he might call if you ship.
I also like, the x/ship flop idea... but it only works vs fishier players.
I also like, the x/ship flop idea... but it only works vs fishier players.
Well, if we are coolering him, he's not going to fold QQ+
Samu, don't you have any read on the Villain? Is he a reg?
People's ranges vary a lot in these spots, so its a bit tough for me to know his range/your range. Myself, i would flat about 50% of AA, 25% of KK, 100% of my QQ, 100% of my JJ (tho i sometimes flat that pre so i may only have 3 combos), 100% of my AKs/AQs (which AQs i only 3b probably 75%). On this river, I would be shoving all my JJ (1.5 combos), KK (1.5 combos), AA (3 combos), and QQ would be close.
Just based on this range, I would have 6 combos of value, and would use 3 combos of my AQs to balance this shove, as it now is the bottom of my range, and i think i would be pretty set.
Well played imo.
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