NL25: 5bp with KK 120BBs deep

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NL25: 5bp with KK 120BBs deep

Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players) CO: $25.00
BN: $36.95
SB: $26.10
BB: $30.25 (Hero)
UTG: $23.52
MP: $20.25
villain 21/13 over 170 hands
RFI over first 4 positions is 16/10/6/59 ranging from 17 to 29 samples
no (significant) post reads
Preflop ($0.35) Hero is BB with K K
3 folds, BN raises to $0.50, SB folds, Hero raises to $1.80, BN raises to $4.20, Hero raises to $7.30, BN calls $3.10
Wasn't entirely sure what to do here. I think we're too deep to just jam with these sizings but 5betting small is sth I probably wouldn't ever do as a bluff.
Flop ($14.70) 3 4 9
Hero bets $4.30, BN calls $4.30
As the board is very dry and I even had a heart blocker/backdoor, I decided to leave me the option of playing a 3-street hand. I wonder if there's even any merit in trapping this combo if I knew he likes to stab a lot.
Turn ($23.30) 3 4 9 T
Hero bets $18.65 and is all in
Again I'm not sure all to sure about my play but on this turn decided to devise from my initial plan and ship it in. I felt like I felt like this is the better range play even though in combinatin with my preflop line it kinda looks like what it is. Any way to play this any better?


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NoHubris 9 years, 1 month ago

Just go back to poker, so take this with a grain of salt.

My biggest issue with your hand is your preflop 5b sizing. You're essentially telling the villain that you have a very strong hand, and giving him great pot odds to continue. As you said, you're never bluffing here. IMO, raising to 9-10 will make the hand much easier to play, and make him pay if he wants to see a flop. It also gives him the option of shoving over you if he thinks your weak or if he has AK/AQ (if he's donk enough), in which case you easily call.

My impression of the rest of the hand is that you were afraid he wouldn't follow you on the flow, so you bet small (to try to reel him in), and on the turn you were afraid of the draws coming in, so you shoved it preemptively to try to protect your value. As played, I think I would have checked the flop and give him the chance to hang himself if he thinks you're weak, and if not, lead the turn with a bet of 8$ or 9$ to make him pay for drawing (if he's drawing). Every other hand is either near-dead against you (Lower pockets), or have you in a cooler (flopped sets, those could have been avoided with a bigger preflop sizing I think).

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

Welcome back Man!!!
Nice analysis I like!
Agree and dislike the preflop sizing as well...
@ HH
Flop sizing is standard in 4 bet pot imo, ott TT gets there we still get value from JJ/QQ ... What happen to three street plan???

ohgodwhy 9 years, 1 month ago

Doesn't making it 9-10 pre almost commit us with all of our 4bet bluffs? That's the reason why I made it so small. Of course it's kinda stupid providing him such great odds, but I don't think, I can make it that large with a bluffing range.
Maybe I should just play a 100% calling strategy at this exact stack depth, especially w/o any 5betting dynamic. I can also remember having seen this once in some RIO coaching vid.

The reason I devised from my intial 3-street plan is that I have to bet very small if I wanna play this out over 3 streets whereas on this turn he has a bunch of pair + draws or combodraws where I don't wanna give him correct odds and allow him to play the river perfectly (gii if he hits, fold on blanks, put me into tough spots by bluffing the draws he didn't hit).
I also think shoving turn plays better with my draws because I prevent him the same river situation as above and I just don't think I'll have much FE when 1/2p is the maximum I can put in on the river and that many draws will have missed.

Dddogkillah 9 years, 1 month ago

Doesn't making it 9-10 pre almost commit us with all of our 4bet bluffs?

We shouldmt have many 5 bet bluffs here at these stakes, but allot of the time we will be committed in a 5 bet pot anyhow...
I think your turn play is fine, I was just asking because your orginal plan was 3 street... Tough to have a three street game in a five bet pot under 150bb deep.
Still size up pre,
I see allot of guys do this with there strong hand to try and provoke a call. Not saying that is what you doing, but doing that is no good...

ohgodwhy 9 years, 1 month ago

Yes, vs this guy I probably don't 5b anything but KK+, AKs. If I know he's reasonable and has a wide/balanced 4b range, I might think about bluffing some AJo or KQo. What about sizing up to $8-$8.50?
This way we still get the best of both worlds. I actually also think by making it bigger we lose the ability to go for 3 (reasonably sized) streets on most runouts.

Siudson6 9 years, 1 month ago

You will never make this 4bet with AK so you only have AA-KK and some bluffs there.IMO you should just 5b ship it . You are only 120bb deep it doesnt change much . Especially in those positions when you have wide ranges and many bluffs.
As played I dont like x-flop . I don't expect to be bluffed often agfter such a strong looking line. I like small sizing cuz he might be forced to call with some Ax or whatever..

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